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ngmastersofevil ([info]ngmastersofevil) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2009-07-12 19:09:00

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Entry tags:anya stark, inactive - james romanov rogers, inactive - nightingale, lady devil, npc team - masters of evil, plot-"legacy of hate", sammy fury, team - avengers, toni rhodes

Bringing the enemy to their knees
Hadelinde had been waiting for this day for some time now. It was time to strike at the enemy and strike hard and fast. The last two attacks had been feints and had been to test the enemy's response. She hadn't used her full force against them. There was no need to waste resources and valuable weapons.

Until now.

Now it was time to crush the enemy and achieve their goal.

The Rogers kid and the Stark kid would be theirs. The Rogers kid...Hadelinde had something very special planned for him. The Stark girl would be handed over to Temujin. Hadelinde also wanted another shot at the Rhodes kid. Hadelinde had a score to make even.

Her team except for Egghead and Decibel was with her this time. There was no holding back. The would bring the Young Avengers to their knees and crush them.

They teleported into the Young Avenger's new base.

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2009-07-13 01:36 pm UTC (link)
Anya was coming out of the kitchen with a bowl of cereal when she literally ran into someone. She had been kicked out of SHIELD medical for a few hours to shower, change and get some fresh air and had come back to the Hydrobase.

"What the...."

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2009-07-13 01:39 pm UTC (link)
Enforcer threw a punch and the redhead went down. The bowl of cereal clattered to the floor.

Way too easy, she thought as she picked the redhead up and slung her over a shoulder.

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