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team_mascot ([info]team_mascot) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-08-30 15:53:00

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Entry tags:asleif, eiltin, halbjorn, inactive - andy walters, inactive - daniel grimm, inactive - dawn roberts, marlow, npc - scotty lang, sydney ashcroft, team - defenders, zoey ashcroft

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (open to Defenders)
Zoey was bouncing from the second she got up. Today was HER BIRTHDAY! She was turning seven today and seven was a big birthday. Or so she thought. She had been looking forward to this day ALL SUMMER! Birthdays were special and Mom said she could have a big party, minus the zombies and undead soldiers of course.

She zipped around all day, with the dogs following of course, and helped wherever she could. She helped Sarah make the cake, helped put up decorations and she helped arrange things on the table. She bounced the whole time. When Sarah told her to go get ready, Zoey raced up the stairs to get changed.

She raced down the stairs when she was ready.

It was FINALLY time for her party.

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2010-09-01 03:07 am UTC (link)
Andy provides Zoey with a two custom bears from Build-A-Bear Work Shop. The first one looks a lot like Andy and says "Hi, Zoey!" when the hand is squeezed.

The second Bear is named "Big Green" and says "OM NOM NOM SHORT STACK!" when its hand is squeezed. Andy still can't believe they let custom-made both bears and let Titan record that message.

Of course, few people actually ever want to tell Titan no at all.

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2010-09-01 03:13 am UTC (link)
They both received a big Bear Hug from Zoey and a kiss on the cheek as a thank you.

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2010-09-01 04:58 am UTC (link)
Andy hugs Zoey and smiles.

"We hope you have a happy birthday, Zoey, and eat lots of cake. But don't make yourself sick, though. Titan says he's going to win the next Uno game and all of your cookies." Andy grins.

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2010-09-02 01:55 am UTC (link)
"No way! Big Green is not getting my cookies!"

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2010-09-02 02:48 am UTC (link)
"Hey, don't shoot the messenger, Smallish Bear! I'm just tellin' you what Big Green said." Andy smiles.

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2010-09-02 06:28 am UTC (link)
"Big Green is going to get his butt kicked."

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