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weavingwizard ([info]weavingwizard) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
Re: The Sound of Magic vs Techno Warriors
He gave out a startled scream. The spell scared him and he was hit twice by Stevie. It wasn't something he would admit to doing. But he hit the deck as it were then looked up with a touch of annoyance but it wasn't directed at her.

"Thank you. Yours as well. Most.... interesting. I never had a spell scare me before." He jumps up then to his feet and cracks his neck.

"Things from the dark which we fear, come take hold of mine foes by their heels. Black tentacles of Tentrazy, I bid thee take them," he calls. The shadows dance and seem to grow solid as thick black tentacles start to try and grab Stevie and Akilah.

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