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GoesBothWays ([info]goesbothways) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
Re: Ice Mistress
Kelly draws a second gun, crouching atop the truck like a leathery gargoyle.

"Well now, we have ourselves quite a situation here, don't we? You have icicles, I have guns. Both of them have impressive penetrating power, with significant ability to cause internal organ damage, internal bleeding, shrapnel wounds... if I were a normal girl, I wouldn't want to be either of us right about now."

She cocks her pistols, aiming them, but not pulling the triggers. "But there's two additional factors to consider in our current situation. You look like a smart girl... so if you like, I'll give you the opportunity to ask what those are... or we can both just start shooting and count the holes when we're done... holes that came factory installed don't count."

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