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Melissa Frost ([info]lady_hood) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-09-25 13:04:00

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Entry tags:anya stark, inactive - beetle, inactive - melissa frost, inactive - molly hayes, inactive - victor mancha, plot-"reciprocity", team - thunderbolts

Despite the garbage that went down earlier in the week, Melissa found herself a happier camper today. The Boss Man's check cleared; she and Kelly were now much more financially solvent. After a call to her lawyer, Diane, to get bills and things paid, Mel goes downstairs to have herself a victory dance, or as they're called, a beer. Never mind that it's early in the morning and that she hasn't hand breakfast, which also sounds like a good idea, Mel just wants to enjoy having her money, her girl, her magic and her guns.

Kelly was right about this whole mercenary gig; it paid dividends, even if being shot at and nearly killed by life-draining nutjobs was part of the job. They'd also done the world a favor by removing Benedict Kine's sorry self from it, and Mel figured they deserved medal for that. Instead, they got hefty-paychecks. Maybe she'd /buy/ herself a medal.

She walks into the kitchen, going through the cupboards to see if there's any eggs to make an omelet. If there is bacon, it's left untouched.

Bacon is against her personal religion.

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Re: Attack!
2010-09-28 02:24 am UTC (link)
Molly hit the ground to avoid being hit by a rocket.

"I really hope our insurance covers this..."

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Re: Attack!
2010-09-28 02:26 am UTC (link)
Ganymede grabbed a telephone pole and threw it at the building.

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Re: Attack!
2010-09-28 02:35 am UTC (link)
Sydney was already in the air, flying into the fray. She brought up both hands and fired her stinger--razor sharp and coated with a sedative bio-toxin--from her wrists at her former teammates.

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Re: Attack!
2010-09-28 02:39 am UTC (link)
None of the attacks coming at her so far concern McKenzie at all. She lifts a car in each hand from the side of the curb, and flings them one after another at the building.

"Hey Syd, good to see you again. Shame you left the party."

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Re: Attack!
2010-09-28 02:45 am UTC (link)
"She got invited to sit at the cool kids' table." Comes a reply from Victor, along with some ball lightning right at McKenzie.

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Re: Attack!
2010-09-28 03:27 am UTC (link)
To counter some of the crap being thrown at the building, Elise fired off concussive force blasts, sending anything in their path back the direction it came.

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Re: Attack!
2010-09-28 07:09 am UTC (link)
Hadelinde's rocket launcher was hit but thankfully it didn't explode. Though it was now unusable.

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Re: Attack!
2010-09-28 02:22 pm UTC (link)
Cady, tired of fighting at street level, began to grow. Time to crack open that building like an egg.

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