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Melissa Frost ([info]lady_hood) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-09-25 13:04:00

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Entry tags:anya stark, inactive - beetle, inactive - melissa frost, inactive - molly hayes, inactive - victor mancha, plot-"reciprocity", team - thunderbolts

Despite the garbage that went down earlier in the week, Melissa found herself a happier camper today. The Boss Man's check cleared; she and Kelly were now much more financially solvent. After a call to her lawyer, Diane, to get bills and things paid, Mel goes downstairs to have herself a victory dance, or as they're called, a beer. Never mind that it's early in the morning and that she hasn't hand breakfast, which also sounds like a good idea, Mel just wants to enjoy having her money, her girl, her magic and her guns.

Kelly was right about this whole mercenary gig; it paid dividends, even if being shot at and nearly killed by life-draining nutjobs was part of the job. They'd also done the world a favor by removing Benedict Kine's sorry self from it, and Mel figured they deserved medal for that. Instead, they got hefty-paychecks. Maybe she'd /buy/ herself a medal.

She walks into the kitchen, going through the cupboards to see if there's any eggs to make an omelet. If there is bacon, it's left untouched.

Bacon is against her personal religion.

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Re: Iron Girl
2010-09-29 07:39 pm UTC (link)
Anya knew better to stay in one place. She was already moving when the missiles came out, but they exploded not too far from her and the concussive blast knocked her back and she went across the street and into the bakery.

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Re: Iron Girl
2010-09-29 08:02 pm UTC (link)
He's not as maneuverable as she is, but his straight line speed is at least the equal of hers. Dimitri rockets directly into the bakery wall, sending a wave of stone wall debris at her ahead of his own charge.

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Re: Iron Girl
2010-09-29 09:00 pm UTC (link)
Anya had been expecting him to come after her. She waited where she was and when he was close enough she launched herself at him with repulsors blasting.

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Re: Iron Girl
2010-09-29 09:28 pm UTC (link)
That, at least, he expected. The debris takes the brunt of the blast, though he still gets hit hard, but keeps coming. His armor and shields are holding up so far, and he keeps his rockets blasting, trying to ram into her again, this time trying to get a hand on her to try and bring this down to a contest of strength instead of maneuverability.

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Re: Iron Girl
2010-09-29 09:51 pm UTC (link)
"Divert all power to chest," Anya said and then unleashed a very big blast from the uni-beam in the middle of her chest plate.

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Re: Iron Girl
2010-09-29 09:53 pm UTC (link)
He's just inches away, about to grab hold and start leeching her power, when the uni-beam hits. Dimitri goes flying back through the wall again, all momentum lost.
At the other end he's able to stand, but his armor is definitely looking beat up, and a few parts of him are still smoking.

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Re: Iron Girl
2010-09-30 12:26 am UTC (link)
Anya stands, ready with repulsor blasts and slowly makes her way out of the bakery.

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Re: Iron Girl
2010-09-30 12:31 am UTC (link)
Ok, so she's not going to let him come to her at high speed. Let's see if she'll go the other way around. He doesn't have repulsors - quite the opposite. He hits the electromagnets, utilizing his more electrical-based weaponry, trying to yank her off balance and into his grip.

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Re: Iron Girl
2010-09-30 12:44 am UTC (link)
Shit! Shit! Anya engaged the rockets in her boots to try to lift off and fly up into the air away from him, but the magnets were strong. She started to slowly move toward him.

She brought her hands up and gave him full power repulsor blasts.

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Re: Iron Girl
2010-09-30 12:50 am UTC (link)
"Full power to frontal shields." Dimitri instructs his onboard computer. This is going to be close. His suit is a workhorse, designed to take punishment and keep ticking, sometimes at the cost of the versatile options and sleek maneuverability of the Stark counterparts, but he's taken a lot of hits.
He keeps the electromagnets going and deploys his pylons into the concrete, trying to test his shields against her repulsors, and see if he can get her into his grip. If he can, he can start to vamp her power to recharge his shields. If he can't... well, back to the drawing board.

Either way, this is going to be messy.

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Re: Iron Girl
2010-09-30 02:03 am UTC (link)
Anya had an idea. She kicked up the power to the repulsors for a few seconds before turning into the pull of the electromagnets. She rocketed toward the guy. Fists were in front of her as she flew toward him.

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Re: Iron Girl
2010-09-30 02:11 am UTC (link)
That was the last thing he was expecting. She slams into the bigger suit hard, sending him rocking back. There's a deep dent in the chest where one fist hits where the uni-beam softened it up earlier, and he's sparking bad.

One arm isn't working, leading to a lot of cursing. He grabs for her suit as he falls, both to try and stay standing, and to try and vamp enough of her power to just give him the energy to retreat - and keep her from pursuing at this point.

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Re: Iron Girl
2010-09-30 02:48 am UTC (link)
She's grabbed and falls with him. Dammit. By now she's aching from the fighting despite the suit taking most of the force of impacts. It didn't stop it all. The power systems were still being a little wonky and the last thing she wanted was an up close and personal fight.

She pulled a fist back and aimed for his helmet.

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Re: Iron Girl
2010-09-30 02:51 am UTC (link)
She's not going to get a chance to connect. As soon as he has enough stolen power, he reverses the electromagnet to push her away forcefully and fires his jets.

He's really just grateful Hadelinde called a retreat so he doesn't need to end up looking like he deserted them in a pinch... because he totally would have. Now, he's just falling back with everyone else.

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Re: Iron Girl
2010-09-30 03:31 am UTC (link)
Iron Girl chases for a few blocks, but she has team members to see to. She gives up the chase and goes back to check on her team.

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