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Mikhail Loganovich Romanov ([info]mishaloganovich) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-10-02 01:55:00

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Entry tags:antaeus, misha loganovich

Answers that lead to more questions
After dinner with the family, Misha wasted no time in flying down to New Orleans. He was at the Champions' door within a few hours and banging on it with a gloved fist.

He forgot he was still in stealth mode.

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2010-10-02 08:56 am UTC (link)
Corey smiled. "Thanks."

He listens, then nods. "Okay."

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2010-10-02 09:05 am UTC (link)
There was relief. Every little bit helped.

Misha put his glass in the sink and went to the armor to activate it. "Hit me up for a contribution to the next acre of rain forest you're trying to buy. I'll get out of your hair while you contact Aunt Jean."

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2010-10-02 09:17 am UTC (link)
"Thanks, Misha. Talk to you soon."

And once he's armored up, Corey'll let him out of their place.

And soon...
"Hi, Aunt Jean. It's Corey. ... Yeah, I'm okay personally, but I need to ask you a favor. Lyta and Irina have been out for a couple days, and they haven't returned any calls. ....No, nothing. That's seriously not like Lyta. ....Yes. She's always up on possible emergencies, and she was careful three days ago to tell me she wouldn't be home for supper; she should have let me know she was missing it again. Twice. And Irina's normally all professional, especially about checking up on Eliza. ...Yes. I mean, remember how long it took us to figure out something was wrong with Cait and them? I'm starting to get scared here, Aunt Jean. ...Yes. I'd really appreciate it. Thanks so much."

Unfortunately, efforts to locate them would come to no avail.

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