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oooh_shiny ([info]oooh_shiny) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-10-09 19:23:00

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Entry tags:inactive - jessica hellstrom, npc - akantha

Closing Time (open)
Alexandra Thorne, at least that was what she was now known as, busied herself with closing up her shop Curious Goods for the evening. Antiques littered the shelves, tables and display cases in the small shop in the Near West Side of Chicago. The store had been open for the past ten years and run and owned by Alex.

She made her way around the shop putting things back where they belong after people had moved them during the day. It looked like the items were placed haphazardly around the small store, but Alex had a particular place for everything. She wasn't anal retentive about things, but there were a few small areas of her life where it shown through.

She went into the back of the store and emerged with a small dish of cheese and bread and sat it on top of one of the display cases. There were a few things from the old days she held on to. She made her way to the door and stepped outside for a moment.

The air held a slight chill to it, hinting at the colder weather to come. Maybe in a year or two she would move southward. She was tired of cold winters and snow.

Alex looked up and down the busy street. Despite the myriad of people on the street, there would be no more customers today. She took one last look and stepped back inside.

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2010-10-21 02:22 am UTC (link)
Alex led Jess into the back storage room and she sat down in a chair. "Feel free to browse," she said and gestured to the shelves of items. "How's school going?" she asked. "Are you seeing anyone yet?"

Alex grabbed the bottle of wine off the small table next to the chair and poured two glasses.

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2010-10-22 12:11 am UTC (link)
"Not seeing anyone," Jess said as she began to look through the shelves. "But school's going well, though crazy fast."

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2010-10-22 03:49 am UTC (link)
"Time can move pretty quickly," Alex said. Unless you happen to live forever then it seemed to drag. "No one has caught your eye? I find that hard to believe."

Alex offered one of the glasses to Jess.

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2010-10-24 12:19 am UTC (link)
"Sad, but true," Jessica said. "I just haven't really had time to look, I guess."

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2010-10-24 12:26 am UTC (link)
"Oh sweetie, you need to make time and look. You're only live once," Alex said.

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2010-10-24 01:30 am UTC (link)
"That's what my mother tells me. My father says that if I find someone, he better treat me right or he'll bring down the wrath of hell on them."

And with her father, that was a threat not to be taken lightly.

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2010-10-24 01:34 am UTC (link)
"I hear fathers are like that," Alex said. Though she had never experienced it herself. Her father had given her over to the temple of Artemis at a very young age.

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2010-10-24 11:03 pm UTC (link)
"My father can be...just a little protective."

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2010-10-24 11:55 pm UTC (link)
"But on the other hand you always have someone looking out for you and have your back," Alex said. "That can be comforting in its own way."

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2010-10-25 12:02 am UTC (link)
"It is," said Jessica, smiling.

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2010-10-25 12:22 am UTC (link)
"That's good," Alex said. "I always had to look after myself. It would have been nice to have a dad looking out for me."

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2010-10-25 12:24 am UTC (link)
"I'm sorry to hear that," Jessica said. "I could see where that would be difficult."

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2010-10-25 12:39 am UTC (link)
Alex shrugged. "It taught me to survive. It can be a pretty harsh world at times."

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2010-10-25 12:54 am UTC (link)
Jessica nodded, as she continued to browse the shelves.

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2010-10-25 01:03 am UTC (link)
"Are you doing anything for Halloween?" Alex asked.

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2010-10-26 04:08 am UTC (link)
"I might go to a party, but I have nothing planned. What about you? Anything going on?"

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2010-10-26 04:20 am UTC (link)
"Probably be here handing out candy," she replied. Alex had a mishmash of traditions for Halloween that she picked up over the thousands of years. She did have to admit she did like the modern traditions more than the old ones.

"And hopefully the parents will come back after to shop."

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2010-10-27 03:02 am UTC (link)
"Do you want any help with anything?" Jessica asked. "I could probably help hand out candy or cider or something."

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2010-10-27 03:09 am UTC (link)
"If you want to help, I won't say no. I never turn down help." Alex finished off her wine. "More?" she asked and held up the bottle.

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2010-10-27 09:06 pm UTC (link)
Jessica raised her glass. "Certainly, thank you."

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2010-10-28 06:44 pm UTC (link)
Alex refilled the glass. "You're welcome. See anything that interests you?"

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2010-10-29 12:46 am UTC (link)
"There's a clock over there had would look really nice in my living room..."

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2010-10-30 06:43 pm UTC (link)
Alex smiled. "It's yours then," Alex said. The clock was only two hundred years old. It was worth quite a bit, but Alex wasn't in business for the money.

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2010-10-31 09:24 pm UTC (link)
Jessica smiled back. "Cash alright?" she asked.

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2010-10-31 10:24 pm UTC (link)
"Just take it," she said. "It's yours. Consider it a gift."

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