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Kristoff Vernard, aka Kristoff Von Doom ([info]discardedheir) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-11-01 05:21:00

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Entry tags:akilah munroe, inactive - kassia frost, kristoff vernard, nimue smallwood, plot-"a game of thrones", vincent vernard

Game of Thrones Finale: The Rescue
When the smoke and the dust and in some cases the blood finally clears, there's just the electronically sealed vault door separating the combatants from their captive parents, grandparents, and employers.

Kristoff gets to work on the locks, and soon the door rolls back. The technicians surrounding the prisoners are all cowering in fear with their hands up.

The prisoners themselves -- Silver Sablinova, Victor Von Doom, Namor McKenzie, T'Challa, Magneto, and Exodus -- are all under heavy restraints and hooked up to IVs, so heavily drugged that they cannot access their abilities or think straight enough to plan an escape. They have only recently been brought to enough basic consciousness to -- HYDRA had assumed -- watch their children die on the television screen provided.

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2010-11-03 02:36 am UTC (link)
Kristoff supports him as best he can until Doom gets up. "Symkaria, Sir. The invitation to which I presume you responded last week was issued by a Life Model Decoy, not the real Lady Sablinova."

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2010-11-03 02:43 am UTC (link)
His faculties returning to him rapidly, Doom's posture straightens as he takes account of the other heads of state present. Magneto, and T'challa. The pattern between the nations becomes obvious.


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2010-11-03 02:47 am UTC (link)
"Yes, Sir. With some clear commissioned assistance from AIM. HYDRA used hijacked Doombots for most of their attacks."

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2010-11-03 02:56 am UTC (link)
A moment's thought before he presses a button on a gauntlet. A light flashes briefly.

"Any Doombots currently active outside Latveria have been disabled, their hard drives data-dumped and then atomized."

Doom surveys the other man, eyes flicking to the younger one by Namor.

"Why are you here, Vernard?"

Some questions, even if the answers are already known, need to be asked. It is a matter of protocol.

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2010-11-03 03:08 am UTC (link)
"My country needed me, Sir." He's already sent a quick signal to Andrea to take the Fantasticar and leave Latveria.

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2010-11-03 04:40 pm UTC (link)
Doom stares back.

"Your actions will be reviewed."

He moves to storm from the room.

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2010-11-03 04:58 pm UTC (link)
Kristoff silently steps out of his way.

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