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Kristoff Vernard, aka Kristoff Von Doom ([info]discardedheir) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-11-01 05:21:00

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Entry tags:akilah munroe, inactive - kassia frost, kristoff vernard, nimue smallwood, plot-"a game of thrones", vincent vernard

Game of Thrones Finale: The Rescue
When the smoke and the dust and in some cases the blood finally clears, there's just the electronically sealed vault door separating the combatants from their captive parents, grandparents, and employers.

Kristoff gets to work on the locks, and soon the door rolls back. The technicians surrounding the prisoners are all cowering in fear with their hands up.

The prisoners themselves -- Silver Sablinova, Victor Von Doom, Namor McKenzie, T'Challa, Magneto, and Exodus -- are all under heavy restraints and hooked up to IVs, so heavily drugged that they cannot access their abilities or think straight enough to plan an escape. They have only recently been brought to enough basic consciousness to -- HYDRA had assumed -- watch their children die on the television screen provided.

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2010-11-04 02:17 am UTC (link)
“It looks like HYDRA is behind this,” Nicolai says, “and you can count on my help and taking them down too.” Yeah his mother definitely seem to be fine.

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2010-11-04 02:22 am UTC (link)
He was such a good boy. Silver smiled. "Then we will hunt my old foe together."

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2010-11-04 02:25 am UTC (link)
Beatrice nodded politely, stepping up to a little behind Nicolai. "Good to see you all right, Ma'am."

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2010-11-04 02:30 am UTC (link)
“They will surely be made to regret this,” Nicolai said. He didn’t care what the others decided to do or even how powerful they may but he knew what he was doing next and who was going to take them down.

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2010-11-04 02:47 am UTC (link)
"Thank you," Silver said politely. "Yes, they will. What's the current situation?"

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2010-11-04 02:55 am UTC (link)
“The country is mostly finished cleaning itself off from the Latverian attack when his robots came to rescue him. The international situation is still a little tense but with all that has happened and been uncovered I’m sure we can take care of it without too much trouble especially with you running things and not some robot by HYDRA. That is all I can say for certain right now, I’ve only been back in Symkaria for a few hours so we will need to look more to see what other damage they may have caused while they had been impersonating you,” Nicolai said.

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2010-11-04 04:04 am UTC (link)
Silver nodded. "We will take care of all of that once we make HYDRA pay for this offense."

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2010-11-04 11:13 pm UTC (link)
Nicolai nodded in agreement.

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2010-11-09 04:40 am UTC (link)
"Let's go kick some HYDRA ass," Silver said with a slight smile and a wicked gleam in her eye.

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