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Kristoff Vernard, aka Kristoff Von Doom ([info]discardedheir) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-11-01 05:21:00

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Entry tags:akilah munroe, inactive - kassia frost, kristoff vernard, nimue smallwood, plot-"a game of thrones", vincent vernard

Game of Thrones Finale: The Rescue
When the smoke and the dust and in some cases the blood finally clears, there's just the electronically sealed vault door separating the combatants from their captive parents, grandparents, and employers.

Kristoff gets to work on the locks, and soon the door rolls back. The technicians surrounding the prisoners are all cowering in fear with their hands up.

The prisoners themselves -- Silver Sablinova, Victor Von Doom, Namor McKenzie, T'Challa, Magneto, and Exodus -- are all under heavy restraints and hooked up to IVs, so heavily drugged that they cannot access their abilities or think straight enough to plan an escape. They have only recently been brought to enough basic consciousness to -- HYDRA had assumed -- watch their children die on the television screen provided.

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2010-11-05 09:34 am UTC (link)
Vincent nods. "My brother is with us, and Andrea should just be leaving Latverian airspace."

He watches the loving, in Namor's fashion, reunion, compelling his thoughts to wander just a bit.

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2010-11-10 02:14 am UTC (link)
"Hydra..." Namor growls, feeling his strength come back to him. He attempts to disengage himself from his daughters, not wanting any of the other monarchs in attendance to see him weak.

Of course, when Kassia hugs him, it makes all of that a little more difficult.

"Be strong for now, my Sainted One. We will have time to rejoice later, you, your sister and I. For now, we must make sure the threat of HYDRA is ended." he whispers to Kassia.

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2010-11-10 04:35 pm UTC (link)
"Ok." Reluctantly Kassi lets go and straightens her shoulders. The left one hurts, but that just makes her angry.

"Let's kick some ass."

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2010-11-11 12:50 am UTC (link)
Marrina cracked her knuckles after letting Namor go.

"Let's show them what Atlantean royals are made of."

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2010-11-11 12:57 am UTC (link)
Vincent smiles in relief and follows his allies.

No familial complication. No feeling the sword on his neck. Just another bunch of bad guys to go raze.

Everything should be so simple.

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