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Natasha Romanova ([info]redheadspy) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
Natasha used what little time she had left to double check the items in the suitcase she had packed a few days ago. She would not go into the hospital without a few nightgowns, a few changes of undies and of course clothes for Nick for when they brought him home.

She set the carseat next to the door so Tony wouldn't forget it (even though he probably would), along with post it notes on his computer and on the fridge and coffee maker about the car seat.

She grabbed a light snack. She didn't know how long this was going to take and she wouldn't be able to eat until after the baby was born. While she was eating she sent a text to Anya and Eliza giving them plenty of time to get to New York. She wasn't sure about Stevie, but she sent a text anyway. It was up to her if she wanted to be there when her other-dimensional brother was born.

When the contractions started to coming seven minutes apart and were starting to hurt, she called her doctor as she placed the suitcase next to the door. She headed for the living room.

"I hate to interrupt movie night, but I think it may be time for someone to drive me to the hospital."

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