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nextgen_parent ([info]nextgen_parent) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
Namor listens to everything Jordan says in silence, this entire farce grating upon his last nerve. So much had gone /wrong/ in so little time that it almost seemed a blurs. Fury would know better than to come here seeking war, because Namor would burn the surface world to the ground before he let humans conquer Atlantis.

Then, Namor actually /reads/ the document in question, taking as long as it requires to go over the words and holding everyone in suspense. He reads over the document, then back to Jordan, then back at the document again.

The desire to smash this young man into the ground is strong, but it's tempered by something equally as intriguing.


"First, you will refer to me as King, Agent Bochs. Secondly, I am not in the habit of letting...surface dwellers come into my kingdom and issues demands. Your threats of bringing SHIELD and Fury's hounds here hold little value with me. If the surface comes to Atlantis seeking warfare, we will deal with such transgressions accordingly." Namor says, no small hint of frost in his voice.

"However, you make an interesting point. I did not sanction this contest or the kidnapping of the Jeffries; when I have a quarrel with a man, I settle it myself and not with his parents or progeny. Still, Mason Jeffries and his family were wronged by citizens of Atlantis. If the situation were reversed, I would risk war to see that justice was done by my people." Namor tells Jordan.

He looks to Vishin.

"You and that bitch Draconia have placed good Atlantean men and women in harm's way for little more than your own personal gain and convinced them it was 'for the good of Atlantis'. I have the right to execute you both at this moment for treason against Atlantis and I should do so.

However, I find the human legal system to be far more cruel to endure. Therefore, you'll both be released into the custody of Agent Bochs and Alpha Flight. Pray that you are both sentenced to life imprisonment, for you are both permanently exiled from Atlantis, forbidden to return on pain of death.

And if any Atlantean should see you within my domain again, I grant them the authority to execute you on sight." Namor decrees.

He looks back to Jordan.

"I will, however, tell you to take your prisoners, your brother and his family and get the hell out of my kingdom, Agent Bochs. I grow weary of the treachery perpetrated before me and my temperament now is such that I will brook no more interference in the affairs of my people from parties foreign or domestic.

Do you have anything further?" Namor asks.

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