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sydney_ashcroft ([info]sydney_ashcroft) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
Shopping for godlings was /hard/. Syd had learned last year about what kinds of things were given for Yule and played it safe this year by going with those kinds of things.

The godlings all got a few outfits of normal Earth clothes to better blend in when out and about. Hal didn't wear many clothes which was another problem added to the mix. Syd did get him a few cases of good beer instead. Andy and Eiltin also got cases of beer.

Avery got an amplifier for his guitar along with a new carrying case for his guitar. He also got a few Disney movies.

Zoey got the movies she wanted, the dolls she had been interested in and some new clothes. Along with new brushes and a halter for Snowflake. The baby sister was one thing she was not going to find under the tree on Christmas morning.

Marlow got new clothes along with gift cards to pick out other things she like. Dawn got a few first edition classic books that Syd had managed to find. Griffen got a new laptop and an invitation to visit the Stark Inc labs.

Sarah got her gift in the form of two chefs and two housekeepers to help out around the place.

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