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Match ([info]son_of_discord) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-01-04 19:39:00

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Entry tags:inactive - match, inactive - rose logan, misha loganovich, plot-"red wedding"

Long Day's Night (Rose)

Technically, this is date number two.

The first date would have been better, all those months ago, if they hadn't been jumped by a bunch of crazies that would end up plaguing them again later. Oh, and Joey's old friend Foxx, who was in town to save his bacon at the time. Tonight, Joey Allerdyce is confident that nothing is going to mess the night up for him and Rose. No crazy mutants, no Tina chasing him, no Ana-Pants trying to beat him up and no Summers telling them to go fetch another mutant from God-knows-where.

Joey dresses up a little for the occasion, selecting a black dress shirt and slacks, along with black shoes. He wears the custom-made jacket that that Kitten made him as well, as he finds he likes it more than his normal leather jacket.

He waits for Babe at the bottom of the steps at Xavier’s, going over tonight’s events. Dinner, followed by a hotel room and all alcohol they can drink. Or maybe, all the alcohol /she/ can drink. There’s a good chance Joey will be done by the fifth beer or so.

The only thing that matters to him is that she has a good time.

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Re: Eight hours later....
2011-01-17 03:46 am UTC (link)
Joey currently sleeps the sleep of the dead right now, having collapsed face down on the couch as soon as they arrived. He didn't move again after that.

When he hears Misha come downstairs, his head raises and he looks around a bit, unsure of his location. Then, slowly but surely, his mind brings back the events of last night.

"Hey man. What's up?" Joey asks.

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Re: Eight hours later....
2011-01-17 04:47 am UTC (link)
"Coffee in about five minutes. Bathroom is down the hall toward the gym if you want to stick your head in a shower."

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Re: Eight hours later....
2011-01-17 05:06 am UTC (link)
"A shower would be amazing right now, thanks." Joey says, lumbering to his feet. The room was still spinning, but the nausea was gone.

"I'll be back in just a bit." Joey says, heading down the hall.

Ten minutes later, Joey returned, feeling a bit more human. Shower two would occur once he got back to the school, before he tracked down Rose and made her talk this out with him.

"About last night, Misha...thanks for comin' to get me. You didn't have to and I really didn't want anyone to see me like that, but I appreciate it. I've never been in a place like this before, so I'm havin' trouble figurin' out which way is up." Joey says, going to pour himself a cup of coffee, and then drinking it black, with no cream or sugar.

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Re: Eight hours later....
2011-01-17 05:13 am UTC (link)
Misha drank his black and sweet. He was on his second cup when Joey reappeared. "Don't mention it. I always roll out to pick up a friend." He half grinned at the other guy. "I'm the designated driver, ya know. A healing factor is good for it. As for which way is up, well, just follow the bubbles."

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Re: Eight hours later....
2011-01-17 05:18 am UTC (link)
Joey chuckles at that, despite himself.

"Good thing one of us is in a good mood right now." he says.

"Nice place you got here, by the way. There are several benefits to livin' off the grounds, I'll admit." Joey says.

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Re: Eight hours later....
2011-01-17 05:57 am UTC (link)
"Mom gave it to me when she decided to marry Stark. She didn't need it anymore and she owned the place too long to just sell it." He looked at Joey over his cup. "Think that's part of the problem? Living at the institute keeping everyone in your business and Rose found it confining? It can be that way."

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Re: Eight hours later....
2011-01-17 06:08 am UTC (link)
"I wish I could say. She didn't express any kind of upset to me, and I thought I was doin' a pretty good job of listenin' to her." Joey says.

"God knows if I could afford it, I'd ask her to move in with me somewhere it could be just us. Not sure how your dad would take it, though. He doesn't say much to me, and I'm still tryin' to decide if that's a bad thing or a good thing." Joey says.

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Re: Eight hours later....
2011-01-17 06:43 am UTC (link)
"Then it's time to make her talk, though Logans are pretty famous about not talking about what's bothering them. They'd rather take it out on the Danger Room or in a bar fight. As for Dad, he's fine if he's not actively growling or threatening you." He gestured with his cup. "Can your stomach take some food or you want to take a cup to for the ride back?"

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Re: Eight hours later....
2011-01-17 03:49 pm UTC (link)
"I could really use somethin' to eat, seein' as how Rose and I never got to that steak like we planned." Joey says ruefully.

"In fact, eatin' will let me put together what I'm gonna say to Rose so I don't muck it up." Joey says.

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Re: Eight hours later....
2011-01-18 01:36 am UTC (link)
"There's a diner just outside of the city on the way to Salem Center. Twenty-four hour breakfast available."

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Re: Eight hours later....
2011-01-18 02:37 am UTC (link)
"Sounds good. We should go. No time like the present." he says.

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