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nextgen_baddie ([info]nextgen_baddie) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-01-16 19:31:00

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Entry tags:inactive - rose logan, npc - silver samurai, plot-"red wedding"

On Dealing with Barbarians
Two days after Rose Logan's kidnapping, Jushiro Harada watches the young woman through the bars of her cell in the sub-basement beneath his Tokyo home. She'd been in sorry shape upon her arrival, with more bullet holes in her than he'd directed Foxx to use. If Rose had died, Harada would have had to reconfigure his plan to draw out the man called Wolverine, and possible go after one of his sons. The idea still appeals to him, but only if he finds that he must kill Rose Logan.

And if he must kill Rose Logan, she will suffer first.

The doctors spent hours removing the bullets without any sort of pain medication, at Harada's direction.  Every bullet was eventually removed, including the carbonadium, allowing her to heal and regain some of her senses. Even in her battered state, she'd still managed to maim two more of his guards. It was then that they chose to use the "Madripoor Cocktail" he'd concocted, mixing opium with liquid Carbonadium and forcibly injecting it into her system. Since then, Rose was most incoherent, though she managed a lucid moment or two as her body tried to fight off the poisoning.

And every time, the name "Joey" spilled from her lips.

Today, Jushiro stands outside of Rose's cell, simply looking down upon her with disdain.

"Rose-san, I trust your...accomodations are to your liking?" he asks in English. He's not sure the barbarian can speak Japanese. He's not even sure she can /read/.

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2011-01-17 04:58 am UTC (link)
"You would be horrified at who and what I know, Rose-san, especially where /you/ are concerned." Harada says.

"Dinner will be brought to you shortly. I'm certain that you desire food. All animals do." he condescends, turning to leave the detention area. He begins to walk away, then stops.

"Hiding in that school keeps your father and brothers safe. It keeps many people safe. But think for a moment of those who leave that place. Look at yourself. But even now, you are somewhat secure as long as you don't displease me.

But what of Joey? My men reported that he'd gone to a bar and drowned his sorrows in alcohol. The following morning, he got a plane to London, England. He's staying at a hotel called the "Alliance Suites" in Brighton.

It would be unfortunate if an accident happened to him while he was staying there. A group of men, armed with guns, knives and other implements could...how did you put it earlier?

Redecorate the room with his insides? And who would even /know/, besides you and I? Who would care?" Harada asks.

"I leave you to think about that, Rose-san, as you contemplate your chances of escaping this place before I've finished with you. His life depends on your cooperation with me. If he dies, his blood will be on your hands." Harada finishes.

With that, Rose is left alone in her cell.

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2011-01-17 05:09 am UTC (link)
Left alone with her thoughts, Rose is determined not to cry, not to show the least sign of fear. And she won't. Because she's a Logan, and they're tougher than that.

If anything happened to Joey... she'd never forgive herself.

But it was just like she'd said before in the restaurant. Either he was going to kill Joey or he wasn't. Which meant that nothing she did had anything at all to do with the outcome.

She retracts her claws, wincing at the pain. For now, she needs time to think and plan.

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