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nextgen_parent ([info]nextgen_parent) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-02-13 18:19:00

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Entry tags:anya stark, asleif, awesome andrea, casey flynn, cosmopolitan, inactive - aine gold, inactive - alice dugan, inactive - anastasia summers, inactive - austin caine, inactive - chris pym, inactive - dj whedon, inactive - grace danvers, inactive - james romanov rogers, inactive - lisa graves, inactive - lyta braddock-worthington, inactive - marcia martin, inactive - molly hayes, inactive - pauline argosy, inactive - torn ear, inactive - valeria richards, inactive - victor mancha, jenny woolverton, kalypso, marlow, mason jeffries, misha loganovich, npc - dazzler, perenawska, sammy fury, sydney ashcroft, sylvia mccoy, tamara blaire, toni rhodes, vincent vernard

Going Once! Going Twice! Sold!
"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the first annual Maria Stark Foundation Charity Auction. I'm Alison Blaire and your host for tonight's festivities. Prepare yourselves for a night of fun to help a worthy cause. In just a few minutes many very handsome men will be brought out one by one for your chance to win a date with one of them.

Before we begin I would like to bring out Her Imperial Highness Anya Stark. Miss Stark helped arranged tonight's event and will give you a little more information on the charity organization tonight's proceeds will help."

Anya walked out on stage and smiled. "Thank you, Ms. Blaire. All of the proceeds from tonight's event will go directly to Doctors Without Borders or Médecins Sans Frontières. This organization was created in 1971 in France to benefit the citizens of the world. The organization is committed to bringing quality medical care to people caught in crisis regardless of race, religion, or political affiliation all across the globe. MSF operates independently of any political, military, or religious agendas.

I'm happy to announce on behalf of the Maria Stark Foundation, that all money collected here tonight will be matched dollar for dollar by the Maria Stark Foundation."

"Thank you Miss Stark and that is a very generous offer by the Maria Stark Foundation. Now it's time to begin. So open those wallets and let's bring out our first man." Anya left the stage and went to take her seat.

"First we have the son of Captain America Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff. James Romanov-Rogers is currently an Avenger and has recently moved to Seattle to lead the West Coast Avengers."

"Let's start the bidding at a hundred dollars."

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Re: Leech
2011-02-15 02:19 am UTC (link)
"I have two seventy five. Do I hear three hundred?"

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Re: Leech
2011-02-16 01:21 am UTC (link)
"Sold for two seventy five!"

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Re: Leech
2011-02-16 02:37 am UTC (link)
Leech climbed down a little warily -- but a little relieved -- but a little warily. He cleared his throat. "Hello."

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Re: Leech
2011-02-16 02:49 am UTC (link)
She hadn't expected to win. There's a nervous flip flop in her stomach actually. She normally wasn't the sort to get nervous. Angry? Oh yeah. Her temper flare ups when things didn't go right for one of the kids she was working with were what led to her power surges.

"Uh. Hi. I... It's good to meet you. I'm Marcia." She's going to smile.

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Re: Leech
2011-02-16 02:52 am UTC (link)
He shakes her hand firmly, but a little nervously. "Leech Maddicks. Nice meet you, too." Oh gosh, did he forget a preposition? What else did he forget.

Leech has to be consciously thinking about restraining himself for his powers not to tend to slip out when he's shaking hands.

He's a little too distracted.

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Re: Leech
2011-02-16 02:57 am UTC (link)
Oh my gosh, Betty White is right. She has this odd urge to preen and smile with him now. He's actually very cute she had just thought he might be interesting.

"Maddicks. I haven't heard a last name like that before."

She is used to more Spanish or Polish sounding last names. She actually wouldn't mind if her powers got shut off for a bit.

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Re: Leech
2011-02-16 02:59 am UTC (link)
"I hadn't either, 'til I met my brother."

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Re: Leech
2011-02-16 03:04 am UTC (link)
"Were you a foster kid?" Then she realizes just how rude that could be. Her eyes go a little wide. "Oh geezs. I'm a dummy. You don't have to answer. It was mostly professional curiosity. I'm a social worker."

She bites her lower lip. "I work with the deaf primarily."

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Re: Leech
2011-02-16 03:39 am UTC (link)
"No problem. We were basically were, yeah. Mama didn't go through the system, but basically." He listens. "That's great. Art -- my brother Art -- can't talk. Not deaf, though. Just can't talk."

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Re: Leech
2011-02-16 03:42 am UTC (link)
"Family is what you make it," she agrees thinking of her 'little brother' Jack.

"Can he sign?" It was an honest question. "I grew up signing before I actually spoke."

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Re: Leech
2011-02-16 04:57 am UTC (link)
"Not that well; his father was trying to Fix him, so he didn't get him taught that stuff; he picked some up later."

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Re: Leech
2011-02-16 05:45 pm UTC (link)
"You're serious." Her expression is one of faint horror. Not that things could be changed now of course but still.

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Re: Leech
2011-02-16 07:04 pm UTC (link)
"Dr. Maddicks was a weird guy. Do you want to get dinner?"

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Re: Leech
2011-02-16 11:45 pm UTC (link)
"Sure. What are you in the mood for?" She'll make sure that she hands over her donation before they wander off.

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Re: Leech
2011-02-16 11:48 pm UTC (link)
"There's a little place down the street with nice burgers, great pastries and terrific hot cocoa. Not exactly a three-hundred-dollar date, but...."

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Re: Leech
2011-02-16 11:50 pm UTC (link)
She nods her head. "Sounds like a better place to go though, to be honest."

Yes she had dressed up. But she had been talked into this. "I did this mostly for charity and a... Friend of mine is overly concerned with my social life."

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Re: Leech
2011-02-16 11:59 pm UTC (link)
"I can sympathize," Leech says sheepishly as they head out.
"Your job sounds great. I'm a garbageman and a housekeeper."

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Re: Leech
2011-02-17 12:07 am UTC (link)
"So? Nothing wrong with that." She shrugs lightly. "I certainly enjoy my job. Not the bureaucracy. But everything else I enjoy, certainly. Nothing quite like it. I haven't done much else though."

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Re: Leech
2011-02-17 12:14 am UTC (link)
"It's great that you can enjoy your work. Art really loves his. He's an architect."

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Re: Leech
2011-02-17 12:29 am UTC (link)
"Really? That's great." She brightens in his direction. "It makes me very happy professionally when there are success stories. I try to think positively about the world."

Even though the jaded part of her can drone of statistics on the number of unemployed disabled people. They have a bad habit of letting something that's different about them define them.

"One of my favorite people in the community is a therapist. Deaf people tend to... Close ranks to some extent. They don't like people outside of the community I find because they feel misunderstood. Which... I get."

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Re: Leech
2011-02-17 12:37 am UTC (link)
Leech nods. "Always look on the bright side."

"I get it, too. Have to admit, things were kinda the same with Mama, except about being mutants. Mama and the girls could pass, but they didn't try."

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Re: Leech
2011-02-17 12:40 am UTC (link)
She passes too. So long as she doesn't use her powers and can stay in control.

Yeah right. She just doesn't admit to it. "That takes a lot of...Bravery. Or just being too suborn. I don't think I could be hat open about something like that."

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Re: Leech
2011-02-17 12:52 am UTC (link)
"...Actually, Mama just away from humans, so we didn't actually have to pass or be open. It seems like a bad idea, but she had reasons. Her biological kids... well, it's kind of a depressing story, sorry."

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Re: Leech
2011-02-17 12:56 am UTC (link)
"That sounds....Nice actually." She offers him a mall smile. "Its ok. You're just sharing some of yourself with me. You can ask questions too if you'd like."

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Re: Leech
2011-02-17 01:01 am UTC (link)
Leech opened the door for her at the diner. "...Mama's biological kids were all...shot, was the thing, so she was a little protective. So...from what you were saying earlier, your parents were deaf?"

(Reply to this)(Parent)(Thread)

Re: Leech - [info]needsmorecoffee, 2011-02-17 01:05 am UTC
Re: Leech - [info]icallnopowers, 2011-02-17 01:13 am UTC
Re: Leech - [info]needsmorecoffee, 2011-02-17 01:25 am UTC
Re: Leech - [info]icallnopowers, 2011-02-17 01:40 am UTC
Re: Leech - [info]needsmorecoffee, 2011-02-17 01:46 am UTC
Re: Leech - [info]icallnopowers, 2011-02-17 02:00 am UTC

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