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Giovanna M. Bennet ([info]burnwithlight) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-02-14 15:08:00

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'There's more to life than struggle and the things we seek to win.'
Giovanna opened her eyes and noted that this morning, it was Andrew's bed. She stared for a while at him before checking the clock and kissing him. "Good morning, mon ange. We have a few things to get done, and I'd like to be finished before this evening."

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2011-02-14 08:00 pm UTC (link)
Andrew blinks awake slowly. Not a morning person.

"G'morning mon couer, indeed we do. Starting with some very strong, caffinated tea. Then we can get to other things." he replies, blinking the sleep out of his eyes a bit before leaning over to kiss her again.

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2011-02-14 08:10 pm UTC (link)
After yielding to that kiss for a while, slightly after the manner of an alcoholic taking the last sip from a glass of Johnny Walker Blue, Giovanna vanishes to dress in her room and get started on the tea in the kitchenette.

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2011-02-14 08:48 pm UTC (link)
Andrew is a while in getting ready, he always is. As usual, he was up fairly late, up til she reminded him of the romantic holiday and all. By the time tea is ready, he's slightly less zombified. Good thing he keeps his hair short, or he'd probably look even more unkept.

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2011-02-14 09:03 pm UTC (link)
She hands him the tea and, once they've had a few minutes to drink, starts into the agenda even more briskly than usual. Giovanna truly believes that Andrew is going to save their country, one way or another, and she is there to support him in it, but it sure would be nice for tonight's plans to actually happen. "...A few more invitations I need your call on whether to prioritize or not, none for tonight, fortunately, but we have to RSVP, a message from the Finnish and Symkarian ambassadors about trade, the South Sudanese meeting got moved to next week because the universe is being nice to me, and the junior New York senator wants to ask you whether Genosha has an MGH problem." She rolled her eyes.

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2011-02-14 09:15 pm UTC (link)
Its fortunate he can do these routines in his sleep - he nearly is. The tea is helping a lot though.

"Finland has been a consistent ally. See if you can schedule it at the same time as a meeting with another north European ally. They're less likely to ask for preferential status in front of technical friendlies, and they'll negotiate together fine. Symkaria needs political bolstering after the black eye they got - yeah, put that one at our earliest convenience that isn't tonight. Remind me about the South Sudanese meeting and make sure I have the appropriate newspapers to check on the latest conditions from both sides of the political aisle two days in advance..."

He pauses, considering. "And let the junior senator from New York know that as long as it exists and is traded, the world has an MGH problem. As the international Red Cross and the international trade networks have yet to find a single case of mutant growth hormone use in Genosha, or in trade to or from, we are probably not the best authorities for New York to seek help from regarding their drug problems in this case."

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2011-02-14 09:41 pm UTC (link)
Giovanna listens intently and makes notes. She always does, first because this is serious business for the good of their country and the world, and second because Andrew personally deserves the best Girl Friday/bodyguard/girlfriend that money can't buy.

When that's all noted, well, soon there'll be reviewing the morning newspapers over a quick bite, and she'll make the scheduling calls as he looks over things, and Calling Home and another quick bite before the e-mails to send and... yes, they can get all this done early.
"Remember we have to call Home today before Your Grandfather goes to bed."

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2011-02-14 09:49 pm UTC (link)
"Ok, we can definitely do that. Are all the reservations in order tonight? Anything I need to see to, still?"

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2011-02-14 10:19 pm UTC (link)
"All in order. Tickets are in the pocket of your suit. You just have to keep being a good statesman as you look over the rest of the paperwork and the newspapers, and when we're finished with all of the business, you'll just...be... mine." And she leans over and kisses him again.

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2011-02-14 11:14 pm UTC (link)
He returns the kiss, tempted, as he gets now and then, to say paperwork can wait - but it does have to be done today or it'll get worse... and by getting it done now, they have the whole afternoon together before they go out.

"You're the best."

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2011-02-15 01:53 am UTC (link)
"I'll defer to an expert on perfection on that."

And to work they will get, until it's time to contact their families.

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2011-02-15 08:16 pm UTC (link)
Andrew takes care of the basic formalities first, assuring his mom they're fine, and yes, Giovanna is doing well. Then his father. Then it comes time to get to the tougher portions of the discussion.

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2011-02-15 08:37 pm UTC (link)
And eventually, his Grandfather is on the phone. After the pleasantries, Magnus, careful-if-not-paranoid, says "Andrew, regarding that little matter we talked of some time ago, I think common courtesy dictates that we give that more attention when we have."
While he's saying this, Giovanna's eyes glow green for a while and she writes a note and hands it to Andrew.

'He wants to meet Julian.'

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2011-02-15 08:41 pm UTC (link)
Andrew nods to Giovanna, scribbling one in return.

'It will have to be in Genosha, Grandfather can't come here.'

Yeah, that causes all sorts of problems, like taking a well known figure to Genosha at all discretely.

"I think you're right. I'll see about putting some more time and attention into that matter."

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2011-02-15 09:03 pm UTC (link)
She nods and returns to her several-thousand-mile stare.

"I understand that you're busy, but I appreciate it," his grandfather says warmly. And then the subject shifts, and soon the call home is done.

When the phone is hung up, Giovanna sighs. "I wonder when the least distateful time would be to try to take Angelo to that ...Place of his." She respected Julian; she liked Julian, but Giovanna was a folk and classical music kind of girl, mostly. No establishment whose possibilities included cage dancing was ever going to be entirely tasteful to her.

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2011-02-15 09:11 pm UTC (link)
"We're not going to. Arrange a dinner for five somewhere used to celebrities, no paparazzi allowed, and keep it on my personal account. Make sure the time works out for Julian. Let's see if we can keep this remotely quiet so we don't ruin his endeavors with the tabloids suggesting that there's some link between his show and Genosha beyond the obvious."

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2011-02-15 09:24 pm UTC (link)
She nods. "Right." A pause. "Julian really is trying hard to help."

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2011-02-16 02:22 pm UTC (link)
"I know he is, and I appreciate his efforts. He's doing the community good - raising awareness and all. I just don't want to ruin his efforts by creating too strong a tie between him and Genosha when we're still being asked about MGH issues by senators from a liberal state."

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2011-02-16 07:23 pm UTC (link)
She nods. "It'll work out somehow." She puts her arms around him. "I love you, Andrew.

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