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nextgen_adult ([info]nextgen_adult) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-04-07 09:14:00

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Entry tags:awesome andrea, inactive - andy walters, inactive - chris pym, kristoff vernard, mac rider, plot-"me myself and i", quinn braddock, starbridge, vincent vernard

You Pick Up The Pieces, and Put Things Back Together (backdated)
After Jennifer Kale had confirmed that Vincent's experiment was not the cause of the unusual situation, they'd moved on to the Sorcerer Supreme. After a cursory examination of Vincent and the magical imprint left upon him, Strange seemed oddly amused by the turn of events, considering it's rather benign tone overall.

"This cannot be allowed to stand indefinitely, however. I should be able to perform a spell of soul-mending, which should rectify the problem. We'll need the true cause of this, however..." He steps away from his fellow mages, and Kristoff, and conjures a portal.

"Quinn. Come here now. I have some questions for you." When an individual could raise as much trouble as that one could, it behooved Strange to keep a feeler out as to his location.

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Re: Titan
2011-04-12 01:32 am UTC (link)
Titan barely recalls the number of days since he was separated from the puny man called Walters. He can barely piece together the events since then, but at least one included a fight with his cousin.

Over time, all that mattered to him faded away, including his thoughts of the dark-haired woman who treated him like more than a monster, like a person. He was barely able to say her name a few days ago as the men with guns and electric sticks attacked him, hurting him and making him angry.

Titan was no longer sure how long he'd been cooped up in this cage, a prisoner to puny men he could crush if they didn't use their foul magics against him. When he was free, he would crush them all.

And suddenly...someone is talking at him. No.

Talking /to/ him.

Titan doesn't fully understand the words anymore, but the tone, the way the puny man looks down upon him reminds him of how Walters treats him. Like an animal to be unleashed on command. Like Titan should be /honored/ to be worthy of his notice.

He treats Titan like he should kneel...and Titan does not kneel.

Vincent's thank you comes int the form of a large green fist connecting with his face.

"Leave...me...alone." he growls, advancing on the Latverian with deceptive speed for one of his size.

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Re: Titan
2011-04-12 02:58 am UTC (link)
It's only a defensive spell being raised in time that saves the now mortal spellcaster from severe trauma. As it is, he bounces off a wall, bleeding from his forehead.

He barely has time to teleport away before the advance tramples over where he would have been.

He arrives back in the Sanctum Sanctorum, a mess.

"That... went poorly."

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Re: Titan
2011-04-12 11:54 pm UTC (link)
"Vincent!" Andrea cried out.

"Relax. His injuries are not fatal," the android Andrea declared.

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Re: Titan
2011-04-13 09:40 pm UTC (link)
Grateful for the clarification from the robot Andrea, the Asgardian just shakes his head, and speaks quietly.

"Runnin' off half-cocked to deal with a Hulk, and ye got attacked and beaten... I canna imagine who would'a seen that comin'..."

The mortal Vincent gets to his feet, wiping his face. "Enough.... this ends now." He looks at his other half. "Are you ready?"

"Yuir so certain now?" The Asgardian's voice softens. "Ye canna stand me."

"Isn't it obvious?" The mortal replies. "Without me, you have no resolve; without you... I have no heart."

There is a quiet moment of understanding, before they join the queue to be treated by Strange and Quinn.

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