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Julian Gallio ([info]hellfireprince) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-04-13 01:57:00

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Entry tags:inactive - julian gallo, inactive - lyta braddock-worthington

A lucrative investment
Julian's plane touched down in New Orleans shortly after nightfall. The investors he'd spoken to were excited about the new club he wanted to open, but they weren't sold on the idea of New Orleans. The city had seen some hard times in recent years, but it was slowly building back, like Fargo, Georgia. For that, Julian thought it was the perfect place to build something that would endure into the future.

Not to mention, he also has plans to build a recording studio in Fargo in the near future, but that's another time and place.

Today, he's here to meet with the last potential investor and see if he can allay any concerns she has. Julian's been doing this for a few weeks, but a lot business issues have delayed this meeting. He hopes that this woman is worth the trouble of a face-to-face meeting, because he's not sure he can take one more vapid socialite filled with botox and silicone trying to get one over on him.

He arranged to meet Lyta Braddock-Worthington at the Seasons Restaurant, and hoped she wouldn't be late.

He hated tardiness. He was ten minutes early, himself.

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2011-04-13 08:06 am UTC (link)
Lyta nodded, taking a sip of her wine.

"So you've done your research, then," she said. "I'm impressed."

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2011-04-13 08:16 am UTC (link)
"Thank you, but I like to know who I'm dealing with, when possible." Julian says, taking a sip of his wine and relaxing slightly.

"This new nightclub...I was thinking of calling it Destiny. I believe I e-mailed you the list of possible sites I was thinking of building on here in town.

Do you think any of those is a worthy idea or do you have another suggestion?" Julian asks.

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2011-04-13 08:29 am UTC (link)
"So do I, Julian. It's important to know a little bit about who you're dealing with before you just jump right in."

Lyta went into her clutch, pulling out the list of sites that he had emailed her. "I did," she said. "And while the name is catchy, before we go into sites, what sort of audience are you looking to attract with this? I'm going to assume that it's for the twenty-one plus crowd, but is there any particular group that you're looking to grab the interest of?"

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2011-04-13 08:35 am UTC (link)
"The twenty-one plus crowd is a lock. I'm hoping for young professionals and college students looking for a good time." Julian says, going over the idea again in his head.

"A place where people can come in, relax, let their hair down and enjoy themselves several nights a week." he tells her.

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2011-04-13 10:49 pm UTC (link)
"So something along the lines of classy, but not so sophisticated that it's going to repel people?

Though I'm going to assume that you aren't going for the loud blaring techno music and strobe lights. It doesn't seem like it would fit the image I'm getting here."

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2011-04-14 03:18 am UTC (link)
"No, not the loud music. I've got enough of that at the other two clubs I run. This...I'm thinking this could be more of a...speakeasy-type thing, like they had in the old days. Maybe even one night a month where everyone dresses up in the old '20's and '30's clothing for a night." Julian says.

An idea hits him.

"What if...there were two levels to this club? The top level is the sort of thing that young college students would expect, but then there's a second club beneath, called the cellar, where there's old-style dueling pianos with the whole vintage look?" he asks.

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2011-04-14 10:56 pm UTC (link)
"First thing you should know about New Orleans...we don't exactly do cellars," Lyta said. "None of the buildings have a lower level.

Though if you wanted to, what we could do is have the ground level act as the 'cellar'...and then have a staircase outside leading up to the 'upper level'."

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2011-04-15 01:30 am UTC (link)
"That may be the best way to go about it, then." Julian says, reconfiguring the idea in his mind. Lyta's idea for an upper-level sounded worthy.

"Should the upper-level be invite-only or just a regular part of the club?" he asks.

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2011-04-15 01:45 am UTC (link)
"Maybe not strictly invite-only...but maybe a little more on the 'VIP side.'"

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2011-04-15 02:16 am UTC (link)
"Good idea. Once we get it set up, we could do VIP promotions and the like.

You have any interest in hosting from time to time?" Julian asks.

"When people see you and your friends enjoying yourselves at this club, there's no way they'll be able to stay home." he says.

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2011-04-15 02:36 am UTC (link)
"I can host," Lyta said. "I'm good at that sort of thing. I'm sociable." she smiled.

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2011-04-15 02:52 am UTC (link)
"Good to know you're up to be involved. We'll make it worth your while, of course." Julian says.

The waiter returns to refill their drinks and take their orders. Julian will let Lyta order first, before he orders the fish. When the waiter leaves, he sits back in his chair.

"What is it like, for you, being a mutant?" he asks.

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2011-04-16 03:48 am UTC (link)
And Lyta will order the lemon chicken before answering Julian's question.

"I've had my fair share of prejudices over the years, but as I was born with my mutation, as opposed to those who discover theirs during puberty, I've adjusted to it. It's a part of who I am.

And anyone who can't accept that..." Lyta broke away from the professional manner that she had up until that point been maintaining. "Well... screw 'em."

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2011-04-16 03:55 am UTC (link)
"I agree with your sentiment. It would be nice if people were accepted for who they are and choose to be, but there's still issue with that in our world." Julian says.

"That's why I've tried to help bridge the gap between humanity and mutants with X-Factor. It's helped more than it's hurt me. There are still people who won't return my calls because I hang out with mutants most of the day, every day...but I no longer call those people anyway.

If they can't handle my working with mutants, then...screw 'em." he says, smiling at her.

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2011-04-16 04:07 am UTC (link)
"My father and I have both had people refuse to do business with us because we're publically known mutants. Lucky for us, and not so lucky for them, Worthington does well enough on its own so a couple of ignorant people really don't matter."

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2011-04-16 04:19 am UTC (link)
"That's rather silly. I find myself liking the idea of doing business with you more and more by the minute." Julian tells her.

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2011-04-16 04:25 am UTC (link)
"I like to consider myself generally likable," Lyta said with a bit of a smirk.

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2011-04-16 04:40 am UTC (link)
"Of all the places in the world you've been, which has been your favorite?" he asks.

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2011-04-18 10:06 am UTC (link)
"Paris," Lyta said. "I've always enjoyed going there, when I can."

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2011-04-18 11:04 am UTC (link)
"Paris is excellent. I've had some good times there myself." Julian agrees.

"Have you ever seen Italy?" he asks.

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2011-04-21 04:44 pm UTC (link)
"I have," she said. "The art in Florence is lovely. And Venice is wonderful. I enjoy Rome as well."

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2011-04-21 04:54 pm UTC (link)
"I'd seen all three by the time I was five. I often go back to visit her. She loves the old world a great deal." Julian says.

"Art is a nice hobby, but I seldom have time to enjoy it. The last museum I saw, I was there doing a press conference and you know how much fun /those/ are." he says.

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2011-04-21 05:03 pm UTC (link)
"I always find that they're more enjoyable if one of the reporters is intoxicated," Lyta said. "They always ask the most interesting questions."

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2011-04-21 05:07 pm UTC (link)
"Haven't tried that yet. I'll give a shot." he says, smiling easily.

"Heaven knows if I picture them naked, I'll die laughing." he chuckles.

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2011-04-22 02:11 pm UTC (link)
"There was an open bar at one of the press conferences I was at, once. Someone took decent advantage of it." She chuckled.

"I find that picturing them in their underwear is less laugh-inducing then picturing them naked."

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2011-04-22 02:44 pm UTC (link)
Julian chuckles at Lyta's suggestion. It sounded worthwhile.

Suddenly, he was very glad that his mind was shielded from telepathy. If anyone in the restaurant could guess what he was thinking just now, it would be problematic.

"I think this could be a productive partnership. Your lawyers will receive the documents I've drawn up tomorrow morning and you can review them at your leisure." Julian says.

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