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Kristoff Vernard, aka Kristoff Von Doom ([info]discardedheir) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2009-08-25 23:04:00

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Entry tags:kristoff vernard, npc - stature, team - fantastic four

The Question
They had been home from their ordeal for a little more than a week. Kristoff had spent a good portion of that -- when he wasn't checking on Cassandra and Scotty -- upgrading all of the Baxter buildings' defenses with great thoroughness.

He looks over his lab. Specifically at his most recently created...project.

At first, the shame welled up and he'd closed the box and shoved it in a drawer.

But that, he decided, was stupid. Enough hesitation. There would probably always be a good reason to wait longer. He slipped it into his pocket.

Then he fixed some tea. He brought it over to just outside the 'Lang Suite' of the building.

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2009-08-26 06:51 pm UTC (link)
"I am glad you like it," he says as he rises, standing very close, then smiles. "I made it myself."

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2009-08-26 11:49 pm UTC (link)
"You made it?" Dear God, she loved this man.

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2009-08-27 12:49 am UTC (link)
He smiles and nods. "Hydrocarbon vapor deposition. And I've alloyed unstable molecules into the ring itself to ensure you won't hurt your hand if you grow wearing it." His nerd accreditation demonstrated, he hugs her.

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2009-08-27 01:26 am UTC (link)
"I love you." Not content just to hug him, Cassie kissed him.

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2009-08-27 01:42 am UTC (link)
"And I love you, Cassandra. So very much." Kissing is nice.

After a moment -- a very nice moment, he tries to think sensibly and not just smile and hold her and...such. "There are a few things to consider now, I suppose." The first being how she wished to inform Scotty.

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2009-08-27 01:56 am UTC (link)
Well, Cassie would have liked to kiss longer, but that wasn't unexpected. Kristoff was one to want the details sorted out as soon as possible.

"Yes. We should tell Scotty together. I think he'll will take it well. You're all ready like a father to him."

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2009-08-27 02:12 am UTC (link)
To say that that statement means a lot to Kristoff is a considerable understatement, and it shows on his face. "Together, then," he says softly.

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2009-08-27 02:21 am UTC (link)
"Together." Cassie smiled and leaned in to kiss Kristoff again.

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2009-08-27 02:29 am UTC (link)
Very, very soon, they will need to tell Scotty, tell the others, start sorting out relevant matters carefully and thoroughly.

Right this moment, though, Kristoff's just going to give his beloved -- his fiancee -- what she wants for a little while.

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