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Justin Rhodes ([info]iron_hide) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-05-13 14:49:00

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The Plan (Anya, after her meeting with Austin)

Justin Rhodes had finished packing up his belongings at Misha’s loft and was waiting for a call from his dad about everyone’s time of departure from New York to head to Kansas City. He was thinking about Tina while he worked at his laptop, and was making a few last minute changes to some ideas he had when his AI, Tony, picked up on an article of interest.

The moment Justin’s eyes started reading the article, he knew he could do this. He absolutely could do this. He wasn’t sure who else had seen this, but he had to assume he was behind on this and that he didn’t have time to waste. He made a few sketches, a couple of mental calculations and decided that he could do the hardware for it, but the coding was outside his realm of expertise.

Fortunately, he knew exactly who to call for that.

“Tony, open a priority line to Anya Stark, please.”  Justin says.

Are you taking the challenge, Justin? I would be interested to see how this turns out.” he says.

“Oh yeah, this is going to work, especially for that prize money.” Justin says.

That is a rather large sum. What do you plan to do with it, if you win?” Tony says.

“I’m going to start by creating an AI that asks fewer questions. After that, though, I’ve got some plans.” Justin says.

He waits for Anya to answer her line.

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