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Mikhail Loganovich Romanov ([info]mishaloganovich) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-05-15 13:47:00

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Entry tags:joe marko, misha loganovich, sylvia mccoy

Checking up on distant family...
Misha's birthday gift from Dad, which included a stash of Mopar parts for Darlene, was a directive to go to Japan and check on Amiko. Phone calls were one thing, but Logan wanted a real idea of what was going on with a Deathstrike around and considered that his presence might create unwanted attention for Amiko. Misha, however, was a likable, friendly representative. Almost harmless in his natural state. And far too noticeable to the social media for almost anybody to have serious plans of kidnapping and torture.

Misha thought the idea would be fun. He liked Amiko a great deal and worried about her too. Sisters were delicate creatures, and if any of them found out he thought that, his life would be hell until they had something new to torment him over.

On his way upstairs to pack and make arrangements for the trip (as well as call his guard so she wouldn't have a tizzy), he found Sylvie making her way through the first floor toward the kitchen.

Idea struck bell tones. "Hey," he said. "I know I owe you a dinner out. How would you like fish and chips with a side of sushi?"

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2011-06-07 10:47 pm UTC (link)
"Trust me, things are much more insane around here. We've got a troupe of knight-actors, leprechauns, and worse."

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2011-06-08 01:05 am UTC (link)
"We have Rachel and her love rectangle to keep us entertained. So show us around! You know somebody's going to ask how you guys are doing here"

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