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Anya Antonovna Romanova Stark ([info]anyastark) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-06-16 16:31:00

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Entry tags:anya stark, inactive - austin caine, inactive - swashbuckler

So about that summer vacation....(Austin, Steve)
Anya looked at the screen and smiled. The code for Austin's AI was done and she was now finished with the few big projects she had. She would have been done earlier, but she took time to head out to Kansas City to set up Force Works' headquarters. She didn't even have much time to see Toni while she was out there.

Though now that the AI was done she could take a few days off and actually get to see her husband. Even weekend visits had been difficult with all that was going on. Anya had spent the nights working while her husband slept so she could spend time with him during the days.

"This is done," she said to an empty room. "I better not have anything else on my plate for a few days."

"You have quite a bit on your plate," Goddard said.


"This Friday, tomorrow, you have a meetings in Detroit with the CEO and other representatives from General Motors, Ford and Chrysler. Next Monday you have a meeting in Tokyo with the members of the Japanese auto manufacturers and then you need to be in Germany on Wednesday and England on Friday."

"Is that all?" Anya snarked not liking this at all. She could send a few others from Renaissance Tech in her place, but she felt like she had to go. The company was just getting off the ground and Anya was determined to make it a success.

"There have also been requests for meetings from various government officials around the world. They are interested in the zero point energy technology for their countries. There have been requests from the United States government as well. Should I schedule meetings for when you are back from Japan and Europe?"

Anya sighed. So much for summer vacation, or any vacation for that matter. "Set one up with the US government officials for when we get back, but I want a few days off beforehand. Then schedule the ones with other governments and stagger them out as much as possible. I'd also like one with the Genoshan consulate here in the US. Coordinate all of these with Tony, Justin's AI and with Miss Potts. so the three of us are all there." She paused for a moment. "Also please contact R&D and tell them I'm sending over some schematics for an idea. I want to see what they think and if it's possible. Are the vehicles done?" There were three vehicles for each auto manufacturer that were being converted to run on zero point energy to demonstrate viability. The project to convert them had started a few weeks ago even before the announcement went out.

"They have been completed and already en route to their destinations."

"That will help a great deal. Do you have the latest diagnostics for my suit? I want to make sure nothing's wrong with it before I leave."

"The diagnostics are complete. The suit is functioning well within normal parameters."

"Great. Now, I'm going to deliver this AI and then head to New York for the evening. I'll also deliver Boo to Westchester while I'm down that way. Thank you Goddard."

"I live to serve."

"Like hell you do," Anya muttered under her breath. She grabbed the small device and left the lab.

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2011-06-30 11:27 pm UTC (link)
"Pretty good one, I figure," Steve said. "Could happen."

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2011-07-01 12:54 am UTC (link)
"I guess we'll just have to see," she said.

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2011-07-01 01:16 am UTC (link)
"What's the saying? I look forward to looking back with you?"

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2011-07-01 06:54 pm UTC (link)
She kissed him. "Me too."

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2011-07-02 01:26 am UTC (link)
He kissed her, and his hand slipped beneath the covers.

"Not that I'm in any hurry to get there."

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2011-07-03 06:29 pm UTC (link)
"I'm not either. There's a lot I want to do. Starting with going to sleep next to my wonderful husband."

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2011-07-03 10:33 pm UTC (link)
"Now that sounds like a good plan to me."

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2011-07-03 10:36 pm UTC (link)
Anya kissed him and settled in next to him. She smiled and closed her eyes. A content sigh escaped her.

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2011-07-03 11:12 pm UTC (link)
With a kiss, Steve made himself comfortable beside her and settled in.

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