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Eli Paravich ([info]blinkandmissme) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
"Noble or not, you cannot deny that you were harmed because of me, Luna. Colin Vale was sent by Thulsa Doom, a necromancer I helped defeat during my time trying keep reality from tearing itself apart." Eli says.

"For me, it was but a year ago, but for /him/...he had 10,000 years to plot his revenge against me, Luna. Millennia before I ever knew him, he attacked and dissected my people. Then, two years ago, he took my mother. He visited countless atrocities upon her and now..." Eli had to stop to collect himself. He could feel the tears coming again, welling up as they had been trying to over the last few days since....

"And then he came after you, Luna. He was going to make choose between saving you and saving my mother. I made my choice and for that, my mother paid with her life." Eli says.

"My father has exiled me from Polaria for the rest of my existence, Luna, but I say it was worth it to buy back your life. My mother would not have condoned her existence to go on if it meant an end to yours.

'I have lived more lifetimes than even most Eternals, Eliosha. Except for Sersi. None can match that woman in her fun.' she always told me.

But I did not fight to save you just to pay for a few months or a year until another enemy of mine tries to harm you again. I...care you for you too much to bury you, Luna Maximoff." Eli says.

Though, in the end, I would have to bury her someday anyway, wouldn't I?

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