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Match ([info]son_of_discord) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-08-22 22:39:00

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Entry tags:inactive - match, inactive - rose logan

I just called called to say...Happy Birthday, Rose

Joey sat down in the hotel room in whatever country they’d managed to end up in. The woman with him settled into her own bed across the way, and Joey averted his eyes because modesty was big in her culture. He wasn’t modest or humble and he’d seen several naked, or semi-naked women in his time, but Joey didn’t feel the need to see this one. He took out his phone and checked the date and stared at it for a second. They were a day ahead of the States, which meant that Rose’s birthday was today, over there.


He couldn’t talk long because Frosty would trace him the moment they started talking. Rose would have gone to Tina first for back-up, and then maybe told everyone else. They would try using  Cerebro to find him, but his companion’s ability made that more difficult. He would have to tell Rose about her someday soon, when this was all said and done.

“You should call her, St. John.” she says, pronouncing his name as “Sinjin”, the way it was supposed to be.

“I can’t.”

“You need to. You’ve been moping for over a month.”

“I’m not moping. It’s just…today is her birthday.  I thought I’d be home by now with money to cover our wedding and buying her a house.” Joey says.  “I didn’t think I’d be here, like this…”

“…with me?” she finishes.

“Not what I said.”

“But it’s what you meant. Call her. I’m going to get some ice.” she says. She leaves the room.

Joey sighs and dials Rose’s number, hoping she’s still awake.


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2011-08-24 02:25 am UTC (link)
The sound of breathing is still audible for nearly a minute before a male voice speaks with a Boston accent.

"You will /never/ see him again." the man says.

Then the line goes dead as the phone is smashed.

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2011-08-24 01:49 pm UTC (link)
Not a voice she recognized, which makes her all the angrier.

Rose can only stare at her phone in disbelief, before letting out a howl of rage that sounds far more animal than human.

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