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lottelensherre ([info]lottelensherre) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-10-03 19:08:00

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Entry tags:charlotte lehnsherr, sengai senyaka

Getting sweaty together
New York's indian summer was in full swing and it was absolutely beautiful. It just made you want to get out and enjoy the sunshine. Already the 70 degree days were a little nippy...Charlotte had grown up on an island, after all, but she was enjoying the sunshine, and even more so, enjoying the protected garden behind the embassy.

She was there with a purpose, in her work out clothes and ear phones blaring away as she stretched. Sengai had gently but firmly insisted they begin her self defense training...She didn't want to hurt anyone...but she wanted to be hurt even less so she was there and ready for whatever he'd throw at her.

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2011-10-03 10:40 pm UTC (link)
Sengai arrived in sweatpants and a muscle shirt. For Sengai it was freezing, he was used to a far more heated temperature, but he didn't let it show on his face.

"Miss Charlotte?" He asked, noting the odd devices in her ears.

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2011-10-03 10:48 pm UTC (link)
She yanked the ear buds out of her ears, something loud heard squawking from the little buds.

"Sorry. Glee, Volume 5..." She turned off the ipod. "You're not going to hurt me...right? 'Cause I'm a crier..."

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2011-10-03 10:54 pm UTC (link)
He smiled assuredly. "My job is to protect you, Charlotte. The last thing I would do is hurt you. We'll be starting with more defensive tactics, focusing on using momentum to your advantage. Sound good?"

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2011-10-03 10:57 pm UTC (link)
"Yes, sensei...hey are you going to teach me that crank kick thing..? Wax on, wax off..?" The chances were pretty slim he knew Karate Kid..but still...

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2011-10-03 10:59 pm UTC (link)
He stood there with a bewildered look on his face. "I'm sorry, but..what are you talking about?"

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2011-10-03 11:06 pm UTC (link)
"I know what we're netflixing tonight..." She smiled and shook her head. "You'll love it."

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2011-10-03 11:21 pm UTC (link)
"If you say so." He manages not to ask what netflix is. "Alright, let us focus on posture. This is a stance often used in judo, which emphasizes using throws and the momentum of your opponents against." He shows her said stance.

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2011-10-03 11:23 pm UTC (link)
"Yeah but..." She got into the position, it feeling a little unnatural, unused to the weight balance. "How are you supposed to remember it all when someone's coming at you with a knife or a gun or...or anything."

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2011-10-03 11:31 pm UTC (link)
"There are ways that it can be casually entered into. I'll show them in a moment." He goes over to her and gently positions her arms a little.

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2011-10-03 11:34 pm UTC (link)
"..What if I'm just not strong enough? Or fast enough? Or just....enough?" It was an issue that flowed deep within her...and had nothing to do with fighting.

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2011-10-03 11:37 pm UTC (link)
"Physical strength has little to do with the techniques themselves, at least if done correctly." He looks over to her in concern. "Talk to me, Charlotte. What is truly on your mind?"

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2011-10-03 11:39 pm UTC (link)
"Nothing. Show me what's next." she said quickly, stepping back a few steps before falling back into the stance.

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2011-10-03 11:40 pm UTC (link)
"Are you certain? I'm a good listener."

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2011-10-03 11:53 pm UTC (link)
"I don't want to feel sorry for myself. I have it pretty good....I'm privileged and well provided for, a lot of people aren't. There's absolutely nothing I should be complaining about..."

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2011-10-03 11:57 pm UTC (link)
"Every living being has something to complain about, Charlotte, no matter how they live. There is nothing wrong with voicing them, it can be therapeutic. It's just me here and I won't tell a soul, you have my word."

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2011-10-04 12:09 am UTC (link)
"I'm glad to be here. I had to leave...I really didn't have a choice. I just...miss home. I miss my father. And Ill never be able to go back."

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2011-10-04 12:11 am UTC (link)
Sengai frowned in puzzlement. "You can't return home? Why?"

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2011-10-04 12:24 am UTC (link)
"I'd think it was pretty obvious...Genosha was founded on the very basic principal that there are them and there are us...and I'm a them, I'm not an us. And it doesn't matter how often Alex says that a Genoshan is a Genoshan, whether they're a mutant or not...it matters that I don't have powers. It *really* matters..."

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2011-10-04 12:33 am UTC (link)
"I understand what you're saying. My mother is completely human. You should have seen the reactions from the others when I told them that. Sure some it was because they found it hard to believe that Suvik Senyaka would have bedded a human at all, but I'm sure just as many were uncomfortable with human parentage at all." He takes a breath. "If Magneto is any kind of a man he will love you for who you are, his child. If he can't accept something that was beyond your control..then he's little better than the humans he hates so much."

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2011-10-04 12:52 am UTC (link)
"He can...he does, in private. But...you know politics, what's private and what has to be public is very different. I don't blame him for that. He keeps his people safe by his hard line stance. People follow him because of his convictions and if those convictions start to deteriorate...people are comforted by his all-or-nothing attitude...and if he suddenly starts acknowledging the grey area..."

She shook her head and sat down on a bench. "My dad's a good dad, a *wonderful* dad. But he's not going to put that in front of all the people that need him to keep them safe. And that's how it should be, it's how I want it...I just really miss him."

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2011-10-04 01:00 am UTC (link)
Sengai just nods. He has no experience being the child of someone so important to so many. However the latter issue he could. He sat down beside her.

"My father is one of the hardest men I've encountered, if not the hardest..but not a day goes by where I don't miss him and Mother."

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2011-10-04 01:24 am UTC (link)
"I'm really sorry..." She said softly, glancing over at him.

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2011-10-04 02:17 am UTC (link)
Sengai waves it off with a light smile. "Don't be. I knew what I was getting into. Well..to an extent I did, nothing could have prepared me for this city, but I'm learning."

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2011-10-04 02:40 am UTC (link)
She smiled over at him before leaning over to kiss his cheek before standing up. "Common..show me how they do it in Sri Lanka."

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2011-10-04 02:54 am UTC (link)
Sengai blushed fiercely at the kiss, but said nothing to draw further attention to it. He certainly would't admit to how much he had enjoyed it. Focus man!

"My father passed his style to me, which in truth I can't really determine what all is used in it. Considering you do not want to harm anyone, I believe judo may be an effective style for you, but first, we should get you used to a sense of awareness of your body and what's around you. Are you familiar with Tai chi?"

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2011-10-04 03:25 am UTC (link)
"Definitely...They did it on Buffy a lot." Not that he knew who Buffy was...but the prospect seemed to really excite her.

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2011-10-04 03:32 am UTC (link)
Sengai decided to save the "who is Buffy" question for later. He went into a common tai chi stance and showcased a few of the initiates' movements. "When you do so, close your eyes. Try and listen, feel, even smell the things around."

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2011-10-04 03:39 am UTC (link)
"If I close my eyes, I cant see what your doing..." She had to point it out, even though she knew what he meant. It was easy enough to follow though as she started copying his movements.

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2011-10-04 03:47 am UTC (link)
"Good, good. The posture puts your body in a more calm, but aware state. Naturally you wouldn't have to do this in a combat situation, but it's something you need to be familiar with first before we can move on to more advanced training. Now, I'm going to start to move around, without opening your eyes, I want you to try and estimate my position." Sengai moves, not nearly as quiet as he could, but more along the lines of the average untrained punk. Best to start at the bottom and work from there.

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2011-10-04 03:56 am UTC (link)
She frowned, closing her eyes and trying to focus, maybe to hard, opening them after a minute.

"This *isn't* how it happened on Buffy...can I at least put on some Sarah McLaughlin..?"

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2011-10-04 04:01 am UTC (link)
"Who? Nevermind, maybe something else. Could I see your right arm a moment? I won't you, I promise."

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2011-10-04 04:05 am UTC (link)
She gave him her arm, without hesitation or question.

"We could just go for Ben and Jerry's...you *do* know what Ben and Jerry's is, right? Baskin Robins, Coldstone, TCBY...?"

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2011-10-04 04:10 am UTC (link)
"I believe I've heard of Ben and Jerry, probably from Angelo, it's an ice cream, right?"

He uses his fingers to point at an area along the arm.

This area is particularly useful to use against the enemy because of the nerves there. Say the enemy tries to throw a punch. By grabbing this area you can weaken the impact, twist, and use their own momentum to bring them to the ground. If they are holding a weapon, it can also numb the nerve endings in the fingers, making it difficult to hold onto anything."

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2011-10-04 04:25 am UTC (link)
"See, you're learning!"

She traced her own hand over the spot, pressing a little, not hard enough to make the nerve spasm.

"Okay but...and I'm *not* trying to be difficult here...but how the hell am I supposed to aim to grab someone's arm when their fist is coming at my face at a million miles an hour..."

She sighed in frustration. "I'm hopeless...Maybe I could just get a stun gun....yeah?"

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2011-10-04 04:36 am UTC (link)
He smiles at her encouragement.

"That's where tai chi comes in. It allows you to better understand the direction your opponent will be heading, regardless of speed."

He puts a hand on her shoulder reassuringly. "You're not hopeless, you're just beginning. It's not something you're going to understand after only a few minutes. If you want a stun gun, I won't stop, but it's not likely to stop the more formidable enemies you may have out there."

He thinks a moment. "Would you like me to demonstrate one of the more standard katas?"

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2011-10-04 04:38 am UTC (link)
"You going to buy me a drink first...?" He wasn't going to get that.

"Sure. I really appreciate all this...I just wish that just *once* I could be a stunning natural at something...you know..? No work, no practice, just an expert from the get go."

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2011-10-04 04:45 am UTC (link)
"Well you've displayed astounding patience with my constant questions to seemingly every trivial thing I do not understand. I always worry I'm going to annoy someone, or portray myself as ignorant. I never get that feeling with you, your sincerity is very genuine, that's something you can be proud of."

It was starting to get a little warm so Sengai, completely lacking in boy-girl common-sense, takes his shirt off.

"Alright, this is one of the introductory sequence of movements." He takes his time, making sure she sees them clearly.

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2011-10-04 04:52 am UTC (link)
Oh she was seeing him clearly. Very clearly. So clearly her jaw dropped an inch as she stared at the expanse of skin.

"uh....... I think that's all I can do today..." damn did it just get hot because her cheeks were flaming... And not from embarrassment.

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2011-10-04 04:57 am UTC (link)
"Oh? Well if you're certain, then that's all right with me. "He slips the shirt back on. "Don't let the first day frustrate you. Bit by bit you'll pick up on things, I'm certain of it."

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