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Svalin Thorsdottir ([info]shield_maiden) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-11-07 21:54:00

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Entry tags:iona, svalin

Wish I Could Be There to Share the Moon (open)
The new Asgardian God of the Sun was also a night-owl. Solver didn't like sleeping much, which didn't come as much of a surprise to Svalin. He was half Asgardian and as a race they didn't require much sleep and she believed Jon's people also didn't need much sleep. Svalin could go about a week of not sleeping before she had to have some. It seemed like her son was trying to match her at his young age. He napped a little during the day and slept just a little more at night. He kept his two mothers quite busy.

Vernique couldn't pull twenty-four hour days so while she slept at night, Svalin took over Solver duties. Most nights they walked around the compound enjoying the night air and the stars. Tonight was a little on the cool side, which meant a little more comfortable for the Asgardians, and the moon was almost full giving off plenty of light to see. A very large tiger silently followed them as they walked.

Solver rested against her chest sucking a thumb. Every so often Svalin would drop a kiss on soft, dark hair and smile.

It was a perfect night save for Jon not being there. Svalin wasn't moping or brooding, but she did think about him quite often. Mostly when she looked at their son. Even at this young age Svalin could see Jon's features in him. The child would never know his father and Jon would never know his son. Jon didn't even know he had a son. It had been a cruel twist of Fate.

Solver stirred a bit and Svalin patted his back a little.

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2011-11-19 03:48 am UTC (link)
"I wouldn't wish to be a nuisance..nor would I ever dare to make a...a presumption, about the Prince of Asgard.."

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2011-11-19 03:54 am UTC (link)
"Mine brother wouldst welcome thine affections," Svalin assured her. Svalin's voice took on a bit of a distant feel to it as it always did when she talked about men and relationships. It was easier to distance herself from the subject.

"What about the man thou'rt pledged to?"

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2011-11-19 03:56 am UTC (link)
Her smile immediately faded. "...'tis not of my choosing....and we are most ill suited, though my mother doth dote on him like he is the beloved son and I the new commer to the family..."

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2011-11-19 04:15 am UTC (link)
"Mayhap thou canst bring thine case to the Lady Frigga and petition her to not bless the union," Svalin suggested. No one in Asgard married without the blessing of the Goddess of Marriage.

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2011-11-19 04:21 am UTC (link)
"I've thought of it...I've thought of *every* possible out, I must confess..I thought of pleging my virginity to the goddess Gefjon but I cannot imagine living in such a state for eternity....and 'twould break my mother's heart to break the match.."

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2011-11-19 04:28 am UTC (link)
"Thou must do what maketh thou happy and not others," Svalin said. "Thou cannot be unhappy to make others happy. Thine mother may be unhappy with breaking the match, but she doth love thee and happiness for their children ist what all mothers want."

Svalin didn't think of her own situation and what she had to sacrifice. Responsibility and duty were heavy burdens to bear. Thankfully she had broad shoulders and the love and support of her family and wife.

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2011-11-19 05:06 am UTC (link)
"Thou art most wise...and very blessed..." She reached out to gently touch the baby's hand before stepping away.

"'tis a long way off...longer if I drag my heels. Mayphas an affection can be formed..."

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2011-11-19 05:12 am UTC (link)
"Mayhap, but it wouldst best be honest with him and tell him how thou doth feel about the match. Mayhap he doth feel the same. I wouldst not like to be mislead about intentions."

Solver was picking up on his mother's discomfort talking about the subject and start to fuss more.

"It ist not easy, but it ist better to be honest."

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2011-11-20 02:43 am UTC (link)
"Wisdom to be sure...But I fear I don't possess the courage...yet." She smiled at that. "I was thinking of going to a place when the sun rises, 'tis called "A Mall"...I understand it is filled with wonderful food and all manner of shops, perhaps thee and they wife would care to join me, should you desire? and thy sister, of course.."

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2011-11-20 02:47 am UTC (link)
"I thank thee for the offer, but shopping ist not something that I care to do. Mine wife ist most fond of shopping and canst show thee around," Svalin suggested. "Aridis and Lady Sydney art most fond of it as well."

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2011-11-20 03:20 am UTC (link)
"Wonderful! I doth hope to make many new friends here, I shall ask the ladies in the morning."

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2011-11-20 03:22 am UTC (link)
"Thou wilt make many friends," Svalin assured her. "Thou wilt have fun shopping."

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2011-11-21 10:36 pm UTC (link)
"Is there anyway I might be of service? Does thou, or the young prince require anything? I saw commercials for a wonderful place, Babies-R-Us.."

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2011-11-21 11:35 pm UTC (link)
"I doth not require anything and as for Solver, mine wife wouldst know what he needs." Svalin smiled. "Thank thee for asking."

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