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Sasha Morden ([info]echokinetic) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-11-28 17:12:00

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Entry tags:fred mccoy, inactive - natalie kelly, misha loganovich, sasha morden, tsunami

Intro post - Homecoming.
Weary. That was exactly how she was feeling as she pulled her bags out from the back of the cab, feeling a sense of relief that she'd gotten a typical New York driver; one who refused to get out of his car and help her. Ah, but isn't it great to be home. She'd barely closed the trunk when the car took off, prompting a smile to cross her face. Hefting her bags, she slogged up the stairs and wrestled open the front doors, taking in that first whiff of Xavier's; the scent of home. "Honey, I'm home," she said softly, a smile on her face. Shuffling her bags in, she listened for any sound of activity as she made her way up to her room.

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Re: For some reason I'm NOT getting any notifs of your tags :/ Everyone else, yes. You, no.
2011-11-30 02:13 am UTC (link)
It was hard to make goo-goo eyes from underneath a car, especially when said car was nagging. A lot.

You have not returned any of the messages I left for you to review, the sultry, ultra-smooth female voice said in a scolding tone. Your embassy contact will not like it and you do not want your mother involved. Or worse, your father. You are also to retrieve Boo on Friday. Goddard has had him long enough. If he argues, tell him I have the launch codes.

"This isn't a split custody issue," Misha's voice answered, completely exasperated. "And you don't have any launch codes. The two of you can work it out or else."

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2011-11-30 02:19 am UTC (link)
"I see not much has changed, hmm?" She came in, leaning against the wall and watching his feet, where they stuck out from under the car. She cracked the lid on her pop and took a healthy swallow. "Mmm, carbonated goodness."

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2011-11-30 11:15 am UTC (link)
Misha slid out from under the car when he heard a voice that didn't belong to Darlene. "Around here? Nothing changes, just the faces at Saturday night B movie marathons. My genius sister not only put a free-thinking AI in my car, but she gives my car a tiara and eyelashes."

He grinned at her carbonated goodness expression. "What brings you back to the bosom of your family?"

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2011-11-30 11:18 am UTC (link)
She had to chuckle at that, almost expecting Darlene to protest.

"Mmm, would you believe homesickness? I missed your dulcet tones," she teased as she took another sip. "A vacation's supposed to end sometime, right?"

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2011-11-30 11:26 am UTC (link)
"I don't know about that. The last short vacation I took got me and Sylvie kidnapped." He reached for an oil pan and slid back under the car. His voice was muffled. "I hate leaving the institute these days. Something's always going on and I'd rather be here fighting it instead of out there getting followed by photographers. Where did vacation take you for so long?"

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2011-11-30 11:30 am UTC (link)
"That, sugarbuns, is because you have some kind of strange sort of gravitational pull towards trouble. If you could just chill and vibe with the universe properly, you wouldn't get so messed up."

Hopping up on one of the counters, she swung her feet slowly as she looked over towards him. "Here and there. Greece, Italy, Germany, Spain. All the fun places. I figured if I was going to get stuck here, which is so going to be the case, I might as well go all the places I've wanted to beforehand, you know?"

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2011-12-01 11:52 am UTC (link)
"That's Your Highness Sugarbuns, and don't you forget it. Chilling with the universe has never been a problem. It's when the universe is done chilling and smacks me that trouble finds me."

"You're not stuck here, Sash." There were grunts from underneath Darlene as he 'reasoned' with the drain plug. "You can still go to all those places over and over if you want and there'll still be a room here. Or if we're in one of our enforced remodeling periods, wherever we are."

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2011-12-01 04:22 pm UTC (link)
"Well, I know that, but considering how often things can fall to hell around here, if I'm going to be here, I want it to be a hundred percent. I don't want to be wistfully pining away for everything I want to do. And now," she said, feet still swinging, "I've got the majority of that out of my system."

She heard him struggling with something and grinned. "And now I can focus on being useful instead of being a pain in your royal sugarbuns."

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2011-12-02 01:30 am UTC (link)
"I got all that out of my system after years of vacations with Mom. Now I just stay out of the way." He got it loose and moved the pan into place. "But we're glad to have you back. We need can use all the help we can get these days."

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2011-12-02 01:32 am UTC (link)
"Oh? Care to fill me in on anything I missed? And hello, Darlene. Don't think I forgot about you.."

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2011-12-02 02:10 am UTC (link)
"Besides getting involved with Shi'ar politics? Watching Cyke get panicky because Rachel has a boyfriend. I thought Dad would never stop laughing."

Ms. Morden, Darlene said over Misha's mumbled ramblings. As you can see, some things haven't changed, such as manners. His brother is a great deal more polite.

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2011-12-02 02:14 am UTC (link)
Sasha grinned over at the pair of them, always reminded of the old Knight Rider series whenever Darlene spoke to her. She still thought her and Kitt would have gotten along great. And they would have had adorable little mini-cars.

The thought had her suppressing a giggle and she took another sip of her pop to cover it. "Who's Rachel dating? Hopefully they're quick and can dodge a laser beam."

Answering Darlene, she said, "They each have their own charms and endearments, Darlene. You seem to like him well enough.."

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2011-12-03 02:18 pm UTC (link)
David is a respectful young man who understands that he is not immortal and therefore does not provoke unnecessary trouble. A snort from under the car answered that.

Although it is to David's credit that since he was found and brought here to meet his father and brother, he has progressed well in the development of his fighting skills.

I have an offspring at this time, Ms. Morden. Did you acquire an offspring while you were away?

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2011-12-03 02:20 pm UTC (link)
"Knock it off, Darlene. Sash, would you believe that now along with directions to Jared, she's also Toys R Us and Baby Gap?"

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2011-12-03 06:56 pm UTC (link)
"An offspring? Really? Wow. Well, now I wanna see the little tyke." As strange as it sounded, the idea pleased her. At least she had a small amount of good news to come home to.

"And no, Darlene. No offspring acquirement for me. I don't think I'm quite 'parent material'."

Hopping down off the counter, she went to put her empty can in the recycling bin, snorting at Misha. "Aww, come on, Mish.. little baby booties for cars? A car onesie? How cute must that be?" She giggled slightly, amused by the whole idea.

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