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skald_iona ([info]skald_iona) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-11-28 18:34:00

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Entry tags:halbjorn, iona

Hollywood, Here We Come!
Iona was truly enjoying Midgard. What parts of it she'd managed to see that is. Once she discovered the TV and the *wonderful* invention of Netflix, she'd been veritably glued to the TV, pouring over the stories. Movies. Here they were called movies. The red program was even an oracle, making suggestions that had, thus far, been mostly entertaining. And then she came across...She couldn't believe it. Halbjorn's face on screen, playing a character, Cuchulain.

After watching both of his films, it had taken her days to work up the nerve to seek him out. But she came prepared! Armed with a heaping plate of leftovers from Midgard's *wonderful* holiday recently past, she knocked softly on his door.

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2011-11-29 02:36 am UTC (link)
She took the script and hugged it to her chest after looking at it. "I will guard this with my very life...Halbjorn. You are very kind, to allow me such an honor as to help thee..."

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2011-11-29 03:16 am UTC (link)
He nods. "Read through it at thine leisure. But if tis destroyed, worry not. I hath torn more than a few... they giveth me new ones. Truly though, the honor ist mine... to hath a true storyteller aiding me in learning mine parts."

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2011-11-29 03:19 am UTC (link)
"I doth envy you...to be able to speak to so many people, to be truly immortalized in these tales...no one could be more worthy of such an honor.."

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2011-11-29 03:27 am UTC (link)
"I treasure more the tales of Asgard, these art but fanciful tales... but fun. Wert it more serious, I wouldst ne'er take the part of a Celt... but at least the part wast the greatest of their heroes. I wilt need to introduce thee to more people then, and mayhap take thee out to a few of the taverns here."

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2011-11-29 03:30 am UTC (link)
She pinked at that, once again, evidently very pleased at the idea of being taken out by him.

"Aye...I would like that...Perhaps...one day, when my skill has grown and I am more worthy...I might write some of our greatest tales down, to be put on the screen for all of Midgard to see..."

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2011-11-29 03:41 am UTC (link)
"That wouldst surely make for some great movies... mayhap I canst introduce thee to a few friends of Simon's who couldst talk to thee about such things."

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2011-11-29 03:49 am UTC (link)
"Perhaps...after I see how it all works? I would not want to bring you shame by sounding ignorant..."

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2011-11-29 03:55 am UTC (link)
"Methinks thou'rt too hard on thyself. But aye, come along to filming this week. I wilt introduce thee to mine agent, and show thee the studio, and thou canst watch filming. Methinks thou wilt learn more quickly than I did."

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2011-11-29 03:59 am UTC (link)
"You are *very* smart...If you'd like...I could teach thee to read..only if it 'tis thy wish, I know thee is very busy, as great men tend to be.."

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2011-11-29 04:02 am UTC (link)
"Mine sister and Zoey hath been teaching me some. I hath learned most of the English alphabet, and canst read some things, if slowly. If thou wishest to help, I wilt not argue... it simply hast ne'er been too important. Most oft, mine memory serves well enow."

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2011-11-29 04:09 am UTC (link)
"A fine memory is importantant, you speak truth, and are most wise...but the written word my lord, is eternal. Your words may be kept in perpetuity for all of eternity. None are able to change your words once they are written...but thee must take care to always write what thy truly means...lest you do yourself an injustice..." it was very likely the most shed ever said to him.

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2011-11-29 04:19 am UTC (link)
He considers that a few moments, then smiles. "Aye, tis why I hath such as mine sister and thee to write for me. Thou'rt better with words than e'er I wilt be, and hath more dedicated thyself to such affairs. I wilt continue to learn of letter o'er time... but I am a warrior born, always. I wilt create mine story with deeds... and tis the sacred responsibility of such as thee to make certain the tales art told true."

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2011-11-29 04:26 am UTC (link)
She nodded in all seriousness. "I shall try....truly..I shall..I give thee my word."

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2011-11-29 04:27 am UTC (link)
He grins. "Canst I give thee one other suggestion, then?"

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2011-11-29 04:29 am UTC (link)
"Anything, you have to but say the word." She sat up a little straighter.

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2011-11-29 04:38 am UTC (link)
"Relax." he replies with a smile. "The movies art entertaining... but they art entertainment. If I destroy the script, I wilt get a new one. We hath a chance to do great deeds here... but there must needs be time to relax as well... this ist fine food... thou'rt fine company. There ist no need to treat e'erything as the end of the world... and I wouldst like to get to know thee better, without such airs."

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2011-11-29 04:45 am UTC (link)
She looked at him before letting out a pent up breath and a small laugh, releasing the stranle hold she had on the script, setting it aside. "Mayhaps I tend towards the dramatic...it is an after affect of my trade. I shall try to be more...natural."

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2011-11-29 05:01 am UTC (link)
He nods with a smile. "Mayhap tis suited around the palace and mine grandfather - but tis not necessary to be so formal here. Besides, I wouldst like to know the real Iona better."

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2011-11-29 05:07 am UTC (link)
"...I have spent my whole life in service to others...my mother...as my father's apprentice...to asgard itself. I've spent little time thinking of myself and when I have...it has brought me no peace...it is far easier to serve. But I shall try."

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2011-11-29 05:15 am UTC (link)
"Our lives art not our own. Our fates wert decided before we were born. I wilt die in service to Asgard, and proudly so. Shouldst she call, I wilt be there. But in the hours until then... there ist food, drink, women and song... and I so I wilt enjoy these things as well, and die without regret."

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2011-11-29 05:23 am UTC (link)
"The women seem slightly less appealing to me..." she teased gently.

"I know durty well. I know what is expected of me, the part I am to play..but I tell you, I cannot stomach it."

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2011-11-29 05:35 am UTC (link)
"A shame, I met some lovely ladies during mine time in a woman's body once I wast shown the proper bars."

He pauses. "Oh? What dost thou find so distasteful?"

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2011-11-29 05:37 am UTC (link)
"Nothing...let's not speak of it. how did you ever take the form of a woman? Was it magic? This is a tale I haven't yet heard in the halls of the all-father..."

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2011-11-29 06:08 am UTC (link)
He laughs, shaking his head, then goes on to tell her the story of the Empress and the people she kidnapped, eventually transforming a number of the men into women in hopes of finding her champion, until they were freed from her mind control by his oldest sister and some of the other women.

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2011-11-29 06:10 am UTC (link)
"She listened with rapt attention, laughing, at the end. "I am very sure you made a handsome specimine of femininity..."

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2011-11-29 06:14 am UTC (link)
He nods. "Twas an interesting experience. Not one I doth care to repeat, but interesting, e'en so."

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2011-11-29 06:18 am UTC (link)
She sat back, trying to imagine him as female, snorting and shaking her head at the image.

"I hope to some day live such tales, and not just hear about them.."

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2011-11-29 06:26 am UTC (link)
"Spend enow time here, and thou wilt, hath no doubt of't."

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2011-11-30 12:57 am UTC (link)
"Your words are wise...and I am impatient, it is a quality i must reign in." She stood up after a moment, "...I believe there doth remain pie, if thee would like a slice?"

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2011-11-30 01:10 am UTC (link)
He nods. "Aye, I wouldst. I thank thee for bringing all of this by, lovely one."

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2011-11-30 01:16 am UTC (link)
She bit her lip and smiled, "I like to please..." And there was definitely a sparkle in her eye as she skipped off to go find him pie.

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2011-11-30 01:23 am UTC (link)
He grins at that, "I shalt keep that in mind." he teases, eyeing her hindquarters as she skips off.

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