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Kristoff Vernard, aka Kristoff Von Doom ([info]discardedheir) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2009-09-13 00:38:00

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Entry tags:awesome andrea, kristoff vernard, npc - stature, npc team - deviants, plot-"brides of set", plot-"point of no return", team - fantastic four, vincent vernard

Professional Decorum.
The "axe-wielding maniac" had been active too close to the Baxter Building to escape the Fantastic Four's immediate attention.

And so here they are. And he was hardly difficult for them to contain, although he was obviously quite, quite fast which made taking him down less than immediate.

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2009-09-13 10:35 pm UTC (link)
Kristoff didn't have the time at the moment to run a proper scan on the nature of the individual and his companions, but at least the FF was well-arranged to not the let them go rampaging away from this particular intersection at the moment.

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2009-09-13 10:44 pm UTC (link)
"Let's see if we can make this quick and relatively painless, shall we, brother?" Vincent smirked as he appeared at Kristoff's side, already in uniform.

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2009-09-13 10:49 pm UTC (link)
"Does one of us have to make an Axe Murderer joke?"

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2009-09-13 11:11 pm UTC (link)
Jokes not being his forte, Kristoff just nods to them both before trying to get a normal repulsor shot at the target.

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2009-09-13 11:46 pm UTC (link)
Andrea was currently using Torch-powers, providing aerial support. "I suppose," she said, sending out streamers of flame to try and keep the target contained, "that we will just have to keep ahead of the situation."

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2009-09-14 12:46 am UTC (link)
Dosschok didn't flinch or take notice of the fire around him. The deviants were immune to heat and fire and therefore wasn't a concern. The repulsor blast was something different. It knocked him back and off his feet.

He climbed to his feet and lifted a nearby car to hurl it at the man who fired the repulsor blast.

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2009-09-14 01:33 am UTC (link)
Cassie reached giant size in moments and easily caught the car. Well, perhaps not easily considering she was fairly sure that between the size of the car and the momentum, her hands would hurt a lot the next day.

Weird, she had this really strong urge to just throw the car back at him.

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2009-09-14 01:39 am UTC (link)
Vincent teleported to within a line he could achieve eye contact from. "Stop fighting... it would be so much easier for you if you just laid down to rest... right?" He started weaving a sleep spell, his voice soothing and ethereal.

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2009-09-14 01:53 am UTC (link)
Seeing that flame was having little effect, Andrea dropped out of the sky and absorbed the lingering fires left in the streets. She quickly switched powersets to Susan Richards', ready to use invisible force as necessary.

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2009-09-14 02:40 am UTC (link)
"Thank you," Kristoff said to Cassandra quickly as he readjusted position. She was beautiful when she was towering and...strangely angrier-looking than usual, even in a combat situation.

"Let us make sure they don't get a chance to attack the general population," Kristoff tells Andrea quickly. "We don't know if he can fly."

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2009-09-14 05:38 am UTC (link)
Dosschok's steps slowed a little, but he did not fall asleep. Magic and spells didn't affect his kind like they did humans. Dosschok took a moment, aimed and then launched the giant axe he carried at the spellcaster.

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2009-09-15 12:09 am UTC (link)
"VINCENT!" Andrea screamed, instantly throwing up a wall of invisible force between the axe and Vincent.

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2009-09-15 04:36 am UTC (link)
Vincent was no slouch in physicality either, and was prepared for the strike, but was glad for Andrea's interference nonetheless. He moved to flank his opponent, calling up blasts of fire into his hands and unleashing them.

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2009-09-15 05:02 am UTC (link)
"Fire's not doing anything, Vincent. Grab the weapon"

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2009-09-15 05:27 am UTC (link)
Since the man had thrown an axe at Vincent it seemed only fair to return the sentiment. With a car.

Yes, Cassie threw the car she had caught at Dosschok. No, there was no comment from her on just why she felt that was justified.

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2009-09-15 05:39 am UTC (link)
Dosschok caught the axe as it returned to him and ignored the fire. Foolish humans. They deserved to be enslaved and would be again when Set returned to Earth.

The car was a different story. Dosschok waited until the last second and dodged out of the way. The woman, the very large woman, who threw it was impressive. She could be a possible candidate to be a bride.

He went after the spellcaster, charging as he brought the axe back for a strike.

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2009-09-15 06:49 am UTC (link)
A gesture of hands and a quickly executed gymnastic split sunk Vincent both towards the ground, under the swing, and out of sight. He then clasped his hands together and swung them up at the barbarian's wrists as he got to his feet again, attempting to disarm him.

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2009-09-15 07:04 am UTC (link)
Kristoff blinked at his beloved for just a moment. That was risking...being in very poor taste.

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2009-09-16 12:44 am UTC (link)
Andrea pointed to better direct her invisible force field, attempting to form a bubble around and trap the axe-man.

Cassie's behavior, however, was somewhat unusual. She was not usually quite so destructive, especially with other people's property. Andrea made certain to make a record of the car's license plate, so that the owner could be properly reimbursed.

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2009-09-16 05:08 am UTC (link)
The force field around him made it better deal with the man in front of him. Now Dosschok didn't have to worry about the others hitting him with anything for the moment and it meant the man had nowhere to go. Dosschok was free to pound on him at will.

Dosschok did not drop the axe when the man hit him in the wrists. The blow merely stopped his swing. To counter the attack, he jumped and delivered a double kick toward at the man's head.

The priests that had been keeping a distance had the same thought as Dosschok. The giant woman would make a good bride. One ran up behind her and reached up to touch her ankle. He muttered a spell and released it.

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2009-09-18 01:41 am UTC (link)
"What the hell!" Since he was so interested in her foot Cassie gave him a better look of it by kicking him into one of the nearby buildings. It wasn't hard enough to kill him but it was enough to knock him out for a good, long while.

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2009-09-18 04:18 am UTC (link)
Kristoff's attention is somewhat torn between worrying about his brother and worrying about his fiancee -- and then he's distracted by her particularly risking-exceptional-rudeness course of action.
It's...so unlike her.

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2009-09-18 04:31 am UTC (link)
Vincent hisses as he goes reeling with two blackening eyes, vision blurring. His back collides with the force-field, allowing him to get his bearings again. He brings his palms in front of him, conjuring, before slamming them to the ground. Shards of ice tear along the ground towards the axe wielder, erupting up at him as he returns to ground.

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2009-09-19 01:40 am UTC (link)
Andrea had long since dissolved the force field, realizing that it was doing precious little to contain there foe.

Instead, she readied herself with Ben Grimm's powers, rocky-armor spreading up her arms.

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2009-09-19 10:39 pm UTC (link)
Dosschok landed and the shards shattered under him. As soon as his feet were under him, he took a swing with his axe.

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2009-09-19 10:53 pm UTC (link)
Kristoff directs another repulsor blast at him, hoping to get this done quickly so they can see to each other.

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2009-09-20 04:53 am UTC (link)
The repulsor blast hit Dosschok square on and sent him flying back into a building. He went about halfway in before coming to a stop.

There was no use in continuing this any longer. A bride had been found and marked. His task was done.

He disappeared as he teleported back to Lemuira.

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2009-09-20 05:04 am UTC (link)
Andrea tilted her head slightly.

"Forgive me if this sounds a cliche, but... his behavior clearly does not compute."

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2009-09-20 05:07 am UTC (link)
"Yes, very strange. Vincent, are you all right?" And turning to Cassandra. "...Are you all right."

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2009-09-20 05:20 am UTC (link)
God damn it he got away.

Cassie shrank back to normal size and looked at Kristoff. She was hardly even touched during the fight so what kind of question was that? "Fine."

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2009-09-20 05:48 am UTC (link)
Vincent held the bridge of his nose, raising an arm and waving his hand. "I'll be fine." He squinted at Cassandra. "I'm not so certain about the rest of us, however..."

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2009-09-20 05:56 am UTC (link)
Andrea went to Vincent's side, subtly checking him for injuries just in case there was anything his pride would not allow him to admit to. She too, found Cassie's behavior somewhat anomalous, though she was uncertain as to what to make of it, or how to integrate it into her behavioral prediction algorithms.

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2009-09-20 06:07 am UTC (link)
Kristoff will believe Vincent for now. Cassandra...he steps up beside her. "You...you're sure, Cassandra? The situation seemed to be ...getting to you very much. Moreso than the usual weapons-wielding lunatic, I mean."

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2009-09-20 06:12 am UTC (link)
Cassie just gave him this look. "What are you talking about? What is with you lately?"

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2009-09-20 06:32 am UTC (link)
"What Kristoff is trying to put delicately is that you seemed nearly ready to kill, Cassandra." Vincent says flatly.

"I'm sorry if that's too blunt, but I just got kicked in the face quite hard. I'm irritable." He grunted as he could feel cracks in his bones re-knitting themselves already.

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2009-09-20 06:41 am UTC (link)
Andrea's cursor scan confirmed that Vincent was just about as okay as he claimed to be.

She nodded in agreement with Vincent. "Your bio-readings are displaying unusual levels per normal combat-related levels. This would explain the increased aggression, but I cannot determine the cause at this time."

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2009-09-20 06:43 am UTC (link)
Kristoff winces at that look but mostly just stands there looking worried. "Let us get inside. Damage Control will be here soon to take care of the mess."

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2009-09-20 06:57 am UTC (link)
"How about the cause is that guy tried to kill my teammates?" Cassie snapped. "He threw a car and an axe." She turned and headed inside, eager to put some distance between the morons her teammates.

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2009-09-20 07:46 am UTC (link)
"It's not as if that's an unusual occurrence." Vincent approached cautiously, taking Andrea by the hand to reassure her he was fine.

"You, and all of us, have been subjected to far worse without you reacting nearly as severely."

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2009-09-20 07:55 am UTC (link)
Kristoff, confused and worried, just heads inside as well.

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2009-09-20 07:44 pm UTC (link)
Andrea frowned. She would need to run more complicated probability forecasts in order to determine what was going on with Cassandra.

...Or she could try talking to her later. That might work too, actually.

Rather than try and force the issue now, she tugged slightly on Vincent so that they might go inside as well.

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