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fullmoonfever ([info]fullmoonfever) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-01-08 23:07:00

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Entry tags:gregory price, joanna ketch, rita dermont, team - nightstalkers, the bride, tyler morbius

A Werewolf Walks Into a Bar In Seattle
Greg walked into a bar called AFK and grabbed a stool at the bar. The bar was a hangout for local geeks, but beer was beer and that was all that Greg wanted. He didn't feel like the type of clientele that occupied normal bars. Tonight he just wanted a beer and quiet.

He ordered a Guinness and got lost in his own thoughts as he waited.

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2012-01-10 01:42 am UTC (link)
Greg's claws raked Morlun's face, but the force wasn't as strong as before and the wounds were already healing. Morlun heard the voice. While he had no fangs, he was certain the voice was directed at him. Before he could respond, the light bomb went off, blinding him. He hissed in anger, an arm going up to shield his eyes as he's forced to let Greg go.

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2012-01-10 01:53 am UTC (link)
The werewolf realized he was free and he took a step back. A second later he charged ahead, hoping to claw or bite Morlun.

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2012-01-10 02:18 am UTC (link)
"Okay now for some fir..."

Okay not time for fire. She forgot how single minded a werewolf could get. Her specialty is vampires since they utterly terrify her and it's best to understand what one fears.

"Shit. How to help... how to help," she mutters mostly to herself.

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2012-01-10 02:28 am UTC (link)
Another unexpected slash of Greg's claws opens a few gashes across Morlun's chest Morlun roars in anger, the bit of energy he absorbed fueling his power. He kicks forward to drive Greg back. He turns and stares at Rita, eyes simmering red. He then begins running toward her.

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2012-01-10 03:01 am UTC (link)
Greg was pushed back from the kick. He slammed into a car and the metal crumpled under his weight. The werewolf climbed back to his feet and chased after Morlun.

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2012-01-10 03:03 am UTC (link)
"Oh God," Rita hissed and grabbed one of the freezing bombs from her bag instead of the light one she was trying to grab and threw it at Morlun head on to try and give her time to draw her sword.

But he's so fast.

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2012-01-10 06:16 pm UTC (link)
The freeze bomb hit Morlun, but his inhuman strength and momentum caused him to power on through it. Greg was coming up fast, but he wouldn't be in time to stop Morlun. "You will die for your interference."

As Morlun goes to strike, he's suddenly tackled by another body.

"Rita, get back!" Tyler had been town looking for clues into cult activity when he heard the commotion. Rita, a werewolf, and a pissed-off vampire-looking guy..this just got complicated.

Morlun recovered quickly, grabbing Tyler in a deathgrip to his throat. "You have a hint of a totem as well. Not as strong as the wolf, but significant. Perhaps I should feed on you instead."

Holy crap he was strong! Tyler tried to break loose from his grip, but he couldn't dislodge himself.

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2012-01-10 08:38 pm UTC (link)
Werewolf Greg lowered and shoulder and ran at Morlun, coming in from the side.

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2012-01-10 08:54 pm UTC (link)
Rita stumbled back a touch. Then she started undoing her coat so she could get her sword quickly. Tyler coming to her rescue though had her shocked.

Just where had he come from?

"Tyler?" No time to loose she has her sword out and is prepared to strike. "Let him go, Vampire," she snarls the word vampire as if it's a blight on the world.

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2012-01-10 09:06 pm UTC (link)
Before Morlun can consider snidely correcting Rita's assessment of what he is, Greg rams into him. This forces him to let Tyler go, who falls gasping for breath. Morlun takes in the growing opposition.

"I will claim one of your totems," Morlun says pointing at Tyler and Greg before leaping onto a nearby building, running out of sight.

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2012-01-10 09:08 pm UTC (link)
The werewolf howled into the night air and then started to chase Morlun.

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2012-01-10 09:17 pm UTC (link)
Rita doesn't drop her sword but she is at Tyler's side. She's trying very hard to not just touch him to check on him.

"Should we try and stop that werewolf from giving chase?" Then she glances at him again. "You're not hurt, right?"

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2012-01-10 09:21 pm UTC (link)
He sucks in a few more breaths before he answers. "Y-yeah. No telling..what could happen." He manages to get back on his feet as his movements are more steady. "That guy..he's no vampire."

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2012-01-10 09:55 pm UTC (link)
"Yeah," she agrees then frowns discovering she hadn't been trying to fight a vampire.

"He sure did dress like an old school vampire." She slips her sword away into her coat. "This is going to be crazy but... come on. We gotta make sure that werewolf doesn't get himself killed."

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2012-01-10 10:03 pm UTC (link)
"That was my first impression, too. But I was in that guy's face, he had no fangs at all. Plus I could feel his breath. Vampires don't breathe." He nods. "You got a car nearby?"

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2012-01-10 10:06 pm UTC (link)
"Motorcycle," she says with a slight nod.

"You good for riding behind me?" Besides the fact it's so much easier to maneuver around with it in the city.

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2012-01-10 10:09 pm UTC (link)
"Works for me." He nods. "Yeah, head's clearing. Let's move before they get too far ahead."

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2012-01-10 10:11 pm UTC (link)
She nods and quickly leads the way back to where she had parked. It was within very easy walking distance.

"Right. They're both moving really fast."

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2012-01-10 10:20 pm UTC (link)
"That guy may not be a vampire, but he's definitely not human either. And werewolves..chasing werewolves can be a pain in the ass." He eyes the bike. "Think we can catch up to them on this?"

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2012-01-10 10:24 pm UTC (link)
She gets him a look like he just stepped into a pile of dog mess.

"Yes," she informs him as she slings a leg over. "Just hold on. I may need to get creative."

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2012-01-10 10:27 pm UTC (link)
He smirks a little, climbing on board. He puts his arms around her waist. "Ready to go."

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2012-01-10 10:29 pm UTC (link)
And she is off. It takes her just a moment but she has caught sight of the werewolf. She's glad that tracking people has been getting easier and easier as time goes on.

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