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fullmoonfever ([info]fullmoonfever) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-01-08 23:07:00

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Entry tags:gregory price, joanna ketch, rita dermont, team - nightstalkers, the bride, tyler morbius

A Werewolf Walks Into a Bar In Seattle
Greg walked into a bar called AFK and grabbed a stool at the bar. The bar was a hangout for local geeks, but beer was beer and that was all that Greg wanted. He didn't feel like the type of clientele that occupied normal bars. Tonight he just wanted a beer and quiet.

He ordered a Guinness and got lost in his own thoughts as he waited.

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Re: At Another Bar
2012-01-12 10:35 pm UTC (link)
The impact hurt, but Morlun was still in much better shape than the weakened Greg was at this point. "You think you can kill me, beast!?" He proceeds to throw a series of sledgehammer-like punches at Greg. "I existed before your Wolf-Demon predecessor created his first spawn! And I will live until the end of time!"

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Re: At Another Bar
2012-01-12 11:30 pm UTC (link)
The punches connected and hit, but if they affected the werewolf it didn't show. The ground beneath his back kept him from being moved.

The werewolf clawed at the man and went for his throat with his teeth.

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Re: At Another Bar
2012-01-12 11:43 pm UTC (link)
A werewolf... No. Not just a werewolf. Something more than that. And... something else too, whatever this other one was, it was clearly unnatural.

The Bride was the first on the scene. She fired her shotgun, intent on putting some rounds into both of them.

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Re: At Another Bar
2012-01-12 11:58 pm UTC (link)
"Bride, wait! There are people still in the bar!"

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Re: At Another Bar
2012-01-12 11:59 pm UTC (link)
She's not going to ask.

"Clear out," she snaps as she dashes in getting ready to knock Morlun over the back of the head with the flat of her blade.

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Re: At Another Bar
2012-01-13 12:07 am UTC (link)
If Morlun had seen it coming, he could have handled the impact better. However the Bride took him by surprise, and the blast opens up a good-sized wound in his gut. He doesn't look to the condition of the werewolf.As he focuses on healing, Rita's blade slams into the back of his head, causing him to stumble. "You again!" He yells indignantly.

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Re: At Another Bar
2012-01-13 12:14 am UTC (link)
The shotgun blast didn't so much as cause a scratch on the werewolf. The werewolf jumped to his feet and went after Morlun again.

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Re: At Another Bar
2012-01-13 10:45 am UTC (link)
Okay, she's watched long enough to get an idea of who the good and bad guys here are, or at least the lesser of evils.

Jo focuses her power inwards, letting it come out through her voice rather than her violin (she swears she's never leaving the house without it again). "A~~~~hhhh AH!" She echoes the opening chords to Immigrant Song, as her skin starts turning white, her eyes fading away into energy. All manner of rats, roaches, and things that scurry or crawl start converging on Morlun. She'd rather just blast the creep, but her aim isn't good enough that she's sure she could avoid the things he's fighting.

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Re: At Another Bar
2012-01-13 11:32 am UTC (link)
"Please, Tyler," the Bride said, rolling her eyes, "I am an excellent shot."

Still, she holstered her shotgun on her back, instead reaching into her long coat with her lower hands and pulling out her pistols (recently cleaned--it had truly been a miracle that they had worked after her reawakening).

And then someone else got involved in the fray, clearly as supernatural as any of the rest tonight. Was everyone in this city undead or worse?

She opened up again, focusing on Morlun.

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Re: At Another Bar
2012-01-13 03:51 pm UTC (link)
Joanna was here too!? Okay, this was getting weird, even by supernatural standards, fast. He didn't want to get in the way of the Bride's shots or in the barrage of vermin heading toward Morlun. So instead he focused on helping people get out of the bar as quickly as possible.

Morlun on the other-hand was getting overwhelmed fast. The vermin crawled at his feet and legs, biting and hindering his movements. He took several shots from the Bride's guns before he was fell upon by Greg. He tries to grip at greg's neck again to get more lifeforce.

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Re: At Another Bar
2012-01-13 03:58 pm UTC (link)
"Yes, me," she says grinning almost savagely.

"You won't be killing anyone tonight," she informs him. She spins her sword slightly in her hand and instead of readying herself she lunges swinging the sword with skill.

She is unwilling to let someone get killed while she can do something about it. And she can ignore some of the Otherness that is happening here. She understands coincidences can happen and is willing to accept that by chance she ran into Tyler because of this fight.

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Re: At Another Bar
2012-01-14 01:21 am UTC (link)
Morlun's hand grabs the werewolf's throat, but it didn't seem to make an impact on the werewolf. It snapped at Morlun and tried to rip him to shreds.

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Re: At Another Bar
2012-01-14 01:26 am UTC (link)
"How soft your fields so green, can whisper tales of gore,
Of how we calmed the tides of war. We are your overlords..." Jo continues singing, eyes blazing intently as the vermin horde is driven to a frenzy, spiders, centipedes and other wretched things humans are never too far from, whether they realize it or not, wanting nothing more than to sink mandibles into Morlun.

She recognizes Tyler, and tries to approximate a gesture of 'what the hell?' without stopping the song.

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Re: At Another Bar
2012-01-14 01:42 am UTC (link)
"Damnation," the Bride growled, pouring more lead into Morlun. "Why do you not die?"

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Re: At Another Bar
2012-01-14 01:48 am UTC (link)
Tyler gives a look to Joanna that he hopes conveys that he'll try and explain later. He grabs one patron who looks transfixed on the scene and urges him out the door.

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Re: At Another Bar
2012-01-14 01:56 am UTC (link)
Fortunately for Morlun, the werewolf's rage was blinding him to the fact that Morlun was draining his totemic lifeforce enough that it was reinforcing his powers. The beast's fangs still came down, trying to rip flesh, but Morlun anticipated this. No sooner was the flesh torn that new flesh took its place. He was getting beyond the point of annoyed.


"Damnation is precisely where I will send you all!" He halls off and goes to deck Greg, hoping to knock the werewolf away from, maybe until some humans or one of his attackers. The surge of lifeforce hardened his skin, the vermin were finding it increasingly hard to penetrate it. He grabs Rita's blade with his hand, going to deliver a palm-strike to her stomach. The bullets connect, but by this time Morlun was catching his stride, hardened skin and healing factor working overtime.

"I've never seen one like you. Considering how long I've lived, that's saying something." He races toward the Bride.

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Re: At Another Bar
2012-01-14 02:00 am UTC (link)
The werewolf isn't aware of what Morlun was doing. All he could focus on was killing him. He was hit and the blow sent him flying off of Morlun and into a car. Metal crumpled under the impact.

The werewolf got back to his feet.

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Re: At Another Bar
2012-01-14 02:09 am UTC (link)
She stumbled when the palm-strike connected. She knew there would be an ugly bruise there in the morning. She bruised just as well as any mortal did. It was by luck that she was wearing one of her better reinforced corset tops tonight.

"Shit," Rita complained. "How the hell do we take this guy out? He's a regenerator."

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Re: At Another Bar
2012-01-14 02:17 am UTC (link)
Jo changes tactics, falling back on one of her favorites by Porter.

"So tell me why should it be true
That I get a... kick out of you?"

On the emphasized word, invisible puppet strings will pull at Morlun's legs, making him kick out, and hopefully going off balance.

Her form is on the brink of shifting further, she's pouring so much energy in, but she's never dealt with anything like this before. Her voice is starting to crack.

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Re: At Another Bar
2012-01-14 02:35 am UTC (link)
"May you not live to see another," the Bride growled. All four hands went inside her coat, holstering pistols in exchange for silver-alloyed knives, blessed long ago by a priest.

She dropped into a fighting stance and when Morlun got closer, struck to stab with an upper right and lower left.

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Re: At Another Bar
2012-01-14 02:45 am UTC (link)
Tyler could see this guy was something a lot tougher than he looked at first glance. The real problem was his regeneration. It had to be neutralized somehow.

..he could only think one thing. He ran back to the bar. Joanna's music caused Morlun to stumble. Unprepared for the Bride's attacks, the blades caused deep wounds, but even now Tyler could see a hint of the flesh knitting. He hated himself for doing this, but..desperate times.

He allowed his vampiric nature to manifest, fangs elongating. He ran up behind Morlun and before the ancient monster could react, drove his fangs into Morlun's neck.

Morlun howled in pain as Tyler drank. Morlun was having a difficult time concentrating on healing with an angry pseudo-half-vampire attached to his neck. He delivered a series of elbows into Tyler's stomach. The attacks hurt like hell, but Tyler was getting as much vitality from the blood as Morlun normally would from his own lifedraining abilities.

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Re: At Another Bar
2012-01-14 02:57 am UTC (link)
The werewolf howled and charged ahead. Someone else was taking his prey away from him.

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Re: At Another Bar
2012-01-14 03:01 am UTC (link)
Rita was about to pitch a freezing bomb at Morlun. But then... she froze.

In a bad way. She was breathing badly. She was trying to get control of herself but seeing Tyler bite Morlun was really messing with her head. With care she put the bomb back into her bag with a very unsteady hand.

Then took in an unsteady breath of air so she could work on calming down so she could at least keep fighting. What are they going to do about the Wolf?

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Re: At Another Bar
2012-01-14 03:05 am UTC (link)
Tyler's attack put some space between Morlun and the Bride, and he seemed to be winning for the moment. She'd come to his aid in a minute, but something also had to be done about the werewolf.

She threw a pair of her knives at it.

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Re: At Another Bar
2012-01-14 03:16 am UTC (link)
"...dios..." Is all she can murmur, breathing heavy, as Tyler... changes. She can feel her skin getting tighter, but then relaxing a bit. She's not going to change further. She's not. She won't.

The redhead seems to be on the verge of a freakout. Hoping her own appearance, even at this stage, won't make things worse, Joanna puts herself between her and Tyler. She's got one last chord left in her, unless she can get all the way across the bar to the piano.

She bites her lip as she stares at the melee in progress.

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Re: At Another Bar - [info]living_dhampir, 2012-01-14 03:27 am UTC
Re: At Another Bar - [info]fullmoonfever, 2012-01-14 04:12 am UTC
Re: At Another Bar - [info]not_your_wife, 2012-01-14 04:42 am UTC
Re: At Another Bar - [info]living_dhampir, 2012-01-14 04:58 am UTC
Re: At Another Bar - [info]artofcreation, 2012-01-14 05:01 am UTC
Re: At Another Bar - [info]devilonstrings, 2012-01-14 05:13 am UTC
Re: At Another Bar - [info]living_dhampir, 2012-01-14 05:20 am UTC
Re: At Another Bar - [info]artofcreation, 2012-01-14 05:29 am UTC

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