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fullmoonfever ([info]fullmoonfever) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-01-08 23:07:00

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Entry tags:gregory price, joanna ketch, rita dermont, team - nightstalkers, the bride, tyler morbius

A Werewolf Walks Into a Bar In Seattle
Greg walked into a bar called AFK and grabbed a stool at the bar. The bar was a hangout for local geeks, but beer was beer and that was all that Greg wanted. He didn't feel like the type of clientele that occupied normal bars. Tonight he just wanted a beer and quiet.

He ordered a Guinness and got lost in his own thoughts as he waited.

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Re: Hunting Werewolves
2012-01-15 01:56 am UTC (link)
She didn't cry out, though thick, viscous blood seeped down from a wound along her belly.

Her upper hands caught and gripped at his jaw, knives dropping, while her lower pair positioned a pistol against his stomach and fired.

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Re: Hunting Werewolves
2012-01-15 02:00 am UTC (link)
Pain ripped through his stomach and he stumbled backward. A large hand covered up the wound and the werewolf started to stumble down the alley. A moment later he fell forward and landed on the ground.

Slowly the werewolf turned into a man.

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Re: Hunting Werewolves
2012-01-15 02:10 am UTC (link)
One hand clutching and the wound in her side, the Bride slowly approached the fallen man, pistol still at the ready.

"If the God men worship does exist, may he forgive you for all you have done under your curse," she said, slipping into her native German.

She pulled the trigger on her pistol, pointing the gun at his head, but only a clicking sound answered her. Empty.

She paused and began to reload.

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Re: Hunting Werewolves
2012-01-15 02:17 am UTC (link)
"Bride, wait!" Tyler yelled as he he ran toward the pair. "He was the one attacked! Don't kill him!"

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Re: Hunting Werewolves
2012-01-15 02:42 am UTC (link)
Jo was as close behind Tyler as she could manage, trying to control her breathing to get another bit of energy going. Something jazz, something sweet, something to take the fight out of them both.

"You must remember this
A kiss is still a kiss
A sigh is just a sigh
The fundamental things apply
As time goes by..."

Sings the white-skinned demoness-girl.

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Re: Hunting Werewolves
2012-01-15 06:16 pm UTC (link)
"I don't think he's guilty of anything but having seriously bad luck." Rita agrees. She doesn't want to see anyone die.

"He only fought the person who attacked him. You don't need to end him."

She is breathing heavily. She had chased after them despite how nerved up she had been.

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Re: Hunting Werewolves
2012-01-16 12:25 am UTC (link)
The Bride's gun dropped to her side, though a twitching of her arm suggested she wanted to bring it back up again.

"And did nearly as much damage as the other one. This is not a man anymore. It is a monster."

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Re: Hunting Werewolves
2012-01-16 12:36 am UTC (link)
Through the haze of pain Greg heard voices. He groaned and managed to roll over. A hand was still on his stomach and blood seeped out from between his fingers.

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Re: Hunting Werewolves
2012-01-16 01:03 am UTC (link)
"Just wait a minute, Bride. He didn't try and kill anyone save Morlun and that was in defense. I'm not going to pretend he's not dangerous, but I don't think that gives us the right to just kill him."

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Re: Hunting Werewolves
2012-01-16 01:32 am UTC (link)
"Well either way right now he's hurt pretty badly," Rita points out. The injury that the Bride gave Greg looked pretty bad.

"I don't think he can change again tonight."

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Re: Hunting Werewolves
2012-01-16 01:43 am UTC (link)
"Maybe we should get all of us off the street.... my place isn't huge, but it's not too far from here." Jo volunteers, hoping not to be seen as she is.

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Re: Hunting Werewolves
2012-01-16 02:21 am UTC (link)
"I told you before, Tyler," the Bride said. "I am a hunter of monsters. Killing the likes of him is my lot in life. A monster to kill monsters."

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Re: Hunting Werewolves
2012-01-17 01:31 am UTC (link)
"Really? Really, Bride?" Tyler asked, starting to get a little angry. "You were born to kill other monsters? You know this? It wasn't something you decided to do yourself?" He moves so he's standing right in front of her. "Well hell, before you kill him, why don't you start with me? I'm clearly a monster. Hear, let me help." He pulls an arm with a pistol up and points it to his head. "Clearly you don't differentiate, so pull the trigger."

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Re: Hunting Werewolves
2012-01-17 02:02 am UTC (link)
Jo rolls her eyes and walks over, putting herself between the three of them as much as she possible, hoping she looks as imposing as she normally tries not to be.

"Monster, vampire, undead, construct, magic, mutant, robot, alien, gameshow host, demon, spirit of vengeance, WHATEVER. This whole damn world is full of freaks. You're going to be way too busy if you just cast a net over all of them. Just take it on a case by case basis." She says sharply to the Bride.

She then turns to Tyler and puts her hand on the gun. "And you, cut the drama. It's just making things worse."

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Re: Hunting Werewolves
2012-01-17 02:08 am UTC (link)
Steely determination flared in the Bride's eyes. "You saved my life once, Tyler," she said. "For that, I will stay my hand this once as well."

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Re: Hunting Werewolves
2012-01-17 02:13 am UTC (link)
His eyes narrow a bit, but he's too tired to continue bickering. "Fine," he says to Jo, taking a step back. He goes over to Greg. "We gotta get this guy patched up anyway."

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Re: Hunting Werewolves
2012-01-19 12:40 am UTC (link)
"Great, but I don't think we should stay on the street to do it," Rita points out. "In case you haven't noticed guys, we're a noticeable bunch."

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Re: Hunting Werewolves
2012-01-19 01:44 am UTC (link)
"Then we should be going," the Bride said.

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Re: Hunting Werewolves
2012-01-20 01:40 am UTC (link)
"What she said. Come on, my place is this way." Jo starts heading down the street.

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Re: Hunting Werewolves
2012-01-20 02:02 am UTC (link)
Tyler gently picks Greg up and off the ground, his strength more than enough to carry the werewolf. He follows after Joanna.

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