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devilonstrings ([info]devilonstrings) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-03-11 19:40:00

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Entry tags:gregory price, joanna ketch, team - nightstalkers

Sweet Chin Music (Meme 1-2)
"Praise to my father
Blessed by the water
Black night, dark sky
The devil’s cry

Hey, it's not the most typical for a jazz club, but Jo's not getting any serious complaints as she winds down her latest piano piece. All but one or two drunks in a corner who don't seem to like anything that's been played.

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2012-03-28 10:28 pm UTC (link)
One of them stumbles up as well, apparently ready to back up his friend.


An incredibly loud note issues forth from the piano, seeming to rattle bones more than glasses. The man getting to his feet abruptly clocks the lead drunk across the jaw with a mean right.

Jo's skin is starting to tighten and pale.

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2012-03-30 12:43 pm UTC (link)
Greg was a little surprised by that, but hey whatever worked. He moved in toward the guy who had hit the lead drunk.

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2012-04-15 10:03 pm UTC (link)
"The hell's going on?!" The lead drunk continues being tugged about as if on strings, attacking his table-mates as Jo continues playing. She gives a dry laugh that echoes through the bar.

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2012-04-15 10:06 pm UTC (link)
Greg reached the guy and threw a round house right. It connected with the guy's jaw and he went stumbling backward.

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2012-04-18 08:54 pm UTC (link)
Between Jo's music and Gregs fists, the men are laid out in short order. Jo manages to stop playing before she transforms any further, waiting at her bench to turn back to normal before she joins him.

"How're the knuckles, boss?" She checks his hands over.

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2012-04-18 08:56 pm UTC (link)
Greg shrugged. They hurt a little from the punch and when he looked down at them they were bloodied. "They'll heal. Are you okay?"

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2012-04-18 09:15 pm UTC (link)
She rubs her throat nervously, then looks at her hands, then back at the piano. "I'm okay... stupid cabrones can't throw for shit. Just... worried I enjoyed that a little more than I should have."

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2012-04-19 01:23 am UTC (link)
Greg nodded. "Good."

The police arrived and Greg took a few moments to explain what happened. The cops picked up the drunk men and dragged them out.

When he was done with the police he grabbed a glass of water from the bar and brought it over to Jo. "Some water," he said.

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