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dark_scion ([info]dark_scion) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-03-16 00:45:00

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Entry tags:fred mccoy

Seeking Help
 Fred wasn't exactly comfortable with what he was about to do, but something had to be done. Or else someone could get hurt. Sasha could get hurt...unacceptable. He knocks on the door to Xavier's office.

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2012-03-20 07:45 pm UTC (link)
"I did nothing!" came the more benevolent Fred.

"Oh spare me. He was no use to the cause alive so we made use of him dead. Father was flawed in his goals, but not his methods. We must do what it takes!"


"And you must forget the girl. Cast her out!"


"Yes, Friedrich! She's a hindrance. Do you want to live with these damnable transformations the rest of your life!?"

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2012-03-20 07:48 pm UTC (link)
"You can be in control here," Xavier addresses the less psychotic Fred, exerting the psychic energy to quiet the other voice just a little for a moment. "You can acknowledge these impulses without letting them control you. You can pursue a more balanced approach."

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2012-03-20 08:00 pm UTC (link)

"Oh yes, Xavier, balance. We know how much you love balance. Has Friedrich told you how little faith we have in your so-called dream? hmm?" The voice was quieter but determined to speak.

"I..I'm sorry. I..just can't find it to be feasible."

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2012-03-20 08:03 pm UTC (link)
"Don't change the subject, please," Charles gestures dismissively, again ex. "I'd be happy to debate another time. Right now we are discussing your ability to accept your feelings without being overcome by them."

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2012-03-20 08:09 pm UTC (link)
The psychotic Fred seemed to screech in irritation, but it was quieter. "Y-yes, Professor," came the calmer one. "How?"

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2012-03-20 08:18 pm UTC (link)
Xavier's continues exerting some psychic force, trying to let the fiercer memories fade, not from memory, but into the background of the other memories, the red less vivid against the other colors, as it were. He looks at the psychotic Fred. "This is a part of you. But only a part. It is not all of you. It is not in control. You can work on this."

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2012-03-20 08:22 pm UTC (link)
"I..yes. Yes it is."

"You need me! You'll never succeed unless you let me take control!"

"No. You are part of me, I acknowledge this, but that is all." Fred pauses. "I will."

The other voice is now audible, but much quieter.

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