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Vincent Amorason ([info]quitethecharmer) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-05-21 18:42:00

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Entry tags:awesome andrea, kristoff vernard, vincent vernard

Aesthetics and Identity (open to anyone at the Baxter Building)
Vincent was considerably annoyed. Not only had the Daily Bugle apparently been compromised into running an unauthorized personal ad about him, which they couldn't account for the origin of, but he'd only gotten one response! He wasn't sure which aspect irritated him more. That was when the building alarms began going off. A security panel flashed the message "Code Steel Green".

A Doombot was in the lobby.

Vincent gathered his nearest scientific and magical gear and hurried down.

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2012-05-31 12:56 am UTC (link)
Vincent mutters something, then slouches in his seat, holding his teacup in both hands. "'This gauntlet will signal to all who look upon it that it is worn by he who will do what must be done.' It was on an engraved card. He rolls his head to look at Kristoff, all but saying 'Are you happy with that?' out loud.

"I'll need someone more versed in politics with me when I visit the Genoshans." He turns his eyebrows up slightly. "And someone who can make sense of Balkan symbology to tell me just what I'm looking at with the collection of coins and bottle-caps he affixed to the blasted thing."

And Vincent will manage a thin smile of his own.

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