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Svalin Thorsdottir ([info]shield_maiden) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-07-29 14:44:00

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Entry tags:halbjorn, plot-"wedding march to a war drum", svalin

Algrim (open to Hal)
The approach of Algrim was known well in advance. Svalin wasn't going to take chances and be surprised again. She had sentries posted outside the city and they would provide early warning to a new threat. A new threat was approaching the city and word had reached Svalin. Thankfully there was a little time before Algrim reached the city.

Svalin knew she couldn't defeat Algrim. Her father had told her tales of his fights with the being and knew how powerful Algrim was. Thor could face him, but he was still unconscious and her brother was off fighting the Hulk somewhere. If only Hal were here Svalin would have some hope. Some Goddess of Hope she was. Who had ever heard of a Goddess of Hope having none herself?

Thinking about Hal led her mind down a path to a possible solution.

She handed the throne of Asgard to Aridis despite many objections of her mothers and Balder. Svalin had to leave to save the realm. She jumped on Tryggvi and flew off to find her brother.

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2012-08-07 02:32 pm UTC (link)
"Nay," Svalin said as she jumped off of her horse. "Thou wilt ride in thy condition. I wilt run back."

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