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Martin Baum ([info]magic_hands) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-08-21 16:54:00

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Entry tags:armadillo jr., bea dayspring, crosshairs, guardian, martin baum, team - thunderbolts

There's only one magic guy on this team!
In the middle of the Thunderbolt's kitchen, a familiar swirl of blue flame comes out of nowhere and the young mage pops in. He'd come on a very important mission.

Ice cream sandwiches.

A species so rare in this freezer that it was almost extinct. Every single time they'd get more boxes of the stuff, it'd disappear almost immediately. Even the ones he'd specifically labelled with his name on it!

Now to find out if there were any left. The freezer door swings open on its own. There were boxes yesterday surely....


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2012-09-02 10:41 pm UTC (link)
"Some nonsense about 'loosening him up'. Martin started glowing, there was some of explosion, and then suddenly he was gone," manny said, sounding concerned.

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2012-09-02 10:44 pm UTC (link)
"I'll be right there." And Bea makes her way down stairs.

"Jack," she says intently. "Never, ever, try to 'loosen up' a sorceror."

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2012-09-02 10:45 pm UTC (link)
Jack shrinks under that gaze a little. "Yes Bea...

So... do we call Dr Strange or someone?"

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2012-09-02 10:53 pm UTC (link)
"So long as we find Martin I don't care who we call," manny said, starting to pace a little.

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2012-09-02 11:06 pm UTC (link)
"Let's try calling Martin. He probably fried his phone with all that magic, so..." She sighs. "Excuse me for a minute. And if you two ever bring it up, I will kick your asses."

And with that odd warning, Beatrice Dayspring sits down on the floor, legs sliding into lotus position, and begins focusing in an askani meditation.

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2012-09-02 11:15 pm UTC (link)
Martin is holed up in his room at the Sanctum, the anger having mostly dissipated, he's now just ashamed.

So when he feels Bea's, well not presence but he couldn't think of a better word to describe the field she seemed to have around her at all times, he reflexively tries to hide his own mind and presence as best he can.

Though he knows that's useless against her powers.

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2012-09-02 11:20 pm UTC (link)
Bea finally comes out of meditation, twitching and glancing around a little freaked out as she always does when she's been defenseless, her awareness elsewhere. "He's at the sanctum. He doesn't want to come out. I'm not going to waste time on Dr. Strange. This is serious. It's going straight to Wong. He'll turn on the intercom in Martin's room."

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2012-09-02 11:32 pm UTC (link)
"Is there anything I can do?"

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2012-09-02 11:35 pm UTC (link)
"So... are we going to get him, or are you just calling? Is he okay?" Jack is very worried about his sidekick.

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2012-09-02 11:38 pm UTC (link)
"When you scare someone or something skittish, Jack, you have to try coaxing it out before you reach in and grab it," Bea says. "Could you give me a rundown of exactly what happened before I call, Manny?"

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2012-09-03 12:02 am UTC (link)
"I got here later, but from what I heard, martin and Jack were arguing about..merchandising? Well Martin wasn't having it, Jack took his hat to, Martin was getting upset, I tried to get him to give him back the hat, Jack wouldn't, and then..."

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2012-09-03 12:03 am UTC (link)
"Thank you. All right, first, where is the hat now?"

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2012-09-03 12:04 am UTC (link)
"It vanished when it looked like Martin self-destructed."

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2012-09-03 01:03 am UTC (link)
"Aside from the 'self-destruct' part, that's right."

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2012-09-08 12:28 am UTC (link)
"Okay. So Martin probably got it back."

She calls up Wong and asks that the intercom be turned on for Martin's room.

"Martin?" It was easier than trying to silently psychic-glare at him.

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2012-09-08 12:36 am UTC (link)
Martin hears the intercom from behind him and frowns at it. The thing was so rarely used that Wong coming in hadn't raised any alarms and Martin had completely forgot there was an intercom in his room. Luckily he was still too ashamed of his loss of control to bother even going to find a way to turn it off.

Sitting on the floor with his back turned to the speaker and hands stuffed in his hat, he stays very quiet hoping she'd think he wasn't there.

Yeah, it was clear that wasn't going to fly. She knew he was here. "...I didn't hurt him..."

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2012-09-08 12:37 am UTC (link)
"Nope. You didn't. Same Jack we all know and for some reason live with. This isn't the best way to handle the situation, though. When there are accidents, we need to be able to talk about them."

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2012-09-08 12:50 am UTC (link)
She can't see it but he squirms more now. This was the set up wasn't it? You couldn't keep people on your team with very questionable control over their powers. Martin sighs and fiddles with his Thunderbolts ID card. He liked being on the team, but he understood that now that they had more of an idea how flimsy his control was, especially when mad, well...

"...I don't want to talk about them. And...sorry for screwing up the clocks in HQ," he mumbles.

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2012-09-08 12:58 am UTC (link)
"It's okay. I'm going to make Jack help fix them. What he did was wrong."

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2012-09-08 01:07 am UTC (link)
Before he can stop himself he blurts out, "He stole my hat! I had to stop him!" Almost immediately he regrets saying anything. This was not the way you went about trying to convince people you had more control over yourself than you actually did, and this certainly wasn't how you kept your place on the team.

But he has a feeling Bea has more to say so he tries to be preemptive for once and just ask straight out. His fingers twitch nervously as he fiddles with his hat before deciding to go for it and a very quiet voice comes from the intercom, "...Are you going to kick me off the team now?"

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2012-09-08 01:10 am UTC (link)
"You had every right to get your hat back. Now we need to dis -- no. No, that's not how this works, Martin."

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2012-09-08 01:21 am UTC (link)
"Isn't it? Because I messed up and got really mad and froze Jack and Manny and the room and the HQ and I didn't control myself and-and...and I could've...done worse. And people never want team members who can't control their powers well..." He looks down at his hands, which shook slightly, partly from nervousness and partly from the magic running through them. Wasn't it a requirement that people needed to control their powers to be on a team? If they couldn't well...those people weren't on teams were they? And some of them had to be...dealt with. He didn't want that to eventually happen to him.

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2012-09-08 01:22 am UTC (link)
"Okay, Martin, I want you to think about what sounds smarter, working with someone to make sure they have better control, or just throwing them out and not knowing how their control goes from there."

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2012-09-08 01:26 am UTC (link)
"But if you just keep people who you need to watch out for they're not useful so there's no point in having them right? And then you'll find a more reliable magic guy and I won't get to stay..."

"...Can I please stay? Please?"

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2012-09-08 01:28 am UTC (link)
"You're still useful, Martin. It's not the biggest shock that there are things you still need to work on. You're staying. Magic guys aren't a dime a dozen."

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(no subject) - [info]magic_hands, 2012-09-08 01:36 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]charmedlife, 2012-09-08 01:37 am UTC

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