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Martin Baum ([info]magic_hands) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-08-21 16:54:00

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Entry tags:armadillo jr., bea dayspring, crosshairs, guardian, martin baum, team - thunderbolts

There's only one magic guy on this team!
In the middle of the Thunderbolt's kitchen, a familiar swirl of blue flame comes out of nowhere and the young mage pops in. He'd come on a very important mission.

Ice cream sandwiches.

A species so rare in this freezer that it was almost extinct. Every single time they'd get more boxes of the stuff, it'd disappear almost immediately. Even the ones he'd specifically labelled with his name on it!

Now to find out if there were any left. The freezer door swings open on its own. There were boxes yesterday surely....


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Re: Sorry Manny
2012-09-08 07:43 pm UTC (link)
"Huh? No, no," Manny clarified. "I meant I was worried about you."

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Re: Sorry Manny
2012-09-08 07:45 pm UTC (link)
"Me? Why? I was the one who got mad and could've done worse..."

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Re: Sorry Manny
2012-09-08 07:53 pm UTC (link)
"Well..I didn't know what was happening. I didn't know how it was affecting you," he replied.

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Re: Sorry Manny
2012-09-08 08:06 pm UTC (link)
"Oh. Sorry I should've explained. I just wanted Jack to...stop so I stopped...everything. And ummm...while everything was stopped I took my hat back. I just...it's my hat. And it's the only thing I can actually safely touch so..." He looks down and doesn't say much more, not knowing what else to say. He felt terrible about blowing up like that and affecting everyone.

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Re: Sorry Manny
2012-09-08 09:03 pm UTC (link)
"Dios..I didn't know you could stop time." Manny listens and nods. "I think I understand where you're coming from, Martin."

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Re: Sorry Manny
2012-09-08 09:20 pm UTC (link)
Martin seems confused at that. "Yes you did. I have that time freeze spell. Well, usually I only do it on certain objects or limited areas but umm...I was mad and my powers are harder to control when...yeah." He didn't like admitting his control sucked. It was bad enough that they knew it wasn't so great but this last incident had made it obvious he had less than it seemed at first.

"And...thanks Manny. Sorry again. Forgive me? I'll make it up to you."

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Re: Sorry Manny
2012-09-08 10:50 pm UTC (link)
Manny smiles. "No sweat. Don't worry about making it up to me."

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Re: Sorry Manny
2012-09-08 11:30 pm UTC (link)
Visibly happier now that he was forgiven, Martin can't help but smile again. "I will, I promise! I have ideas too! If you need a favor just ask okay?" Yes, he had ideas about Manny's next present. He was sure the other guy would find it useful.

"I'm going to go say sorry to Bea. She was nice and let me stay on the team even if normally I'd be off." He really did believe that, it'd be hard to change his mind.

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Re: Sorry Manny
2012-09-09 12:07 am UTC (link)
"Okay, okay," Manny chuckled.

"Honestly I'm not sure what 'normal' really means for this team."

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Re: Sorry Manny
2012-09-09 12:34 am UTC (link)
"Me neither I guess. But I really would like to stay on the team, so it's lucky she let me. Now I hope nobody finds another magic guy..."

"Oh!" The grin that comes now is a tad mischievous. At least it was a good sign that he was feeling a bit better. "If you needed someone to distract Kelly or help you with anything for Bea I'll do it! Free!" After all, he owed Manny now and there was no way he was letting the guy not use a favor.

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Re: Sorry Manny
2012-09-09 12:41 pm UTC (link)
Manny listened and then abruptly blushed at the latter part.

"Help with Bea? What do you mean?"

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Re: Sorry Manny
2012-09-09 02:35 pm UTC (link)
Martin just gives Manny a Look. He was young, but he wasn't stupid. Or unobservant. Plus Manny got flustered far too easily at the offer.

"For free," he repeats and cheerfully waves as he floats away to look for Bea and leave Manny to his blushing.

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