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no_relation ([info]no_relation) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-09-12 22:47:00

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Entry tags:guardian

Give It To Me Straight, Doc
After much debate with Bea over some of his recent... impulse control incidents, Jack had agreed to a psych evaluation. He wasn't thrilled, but he figured he wasn't crazy, so there was nothing to lose. He reported to the designated place and time.

"So..." He eyed the man. "Your hair is green."

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2012-09-13 05:06 pm UTC (link)
Jack blinks. "I... I don't know. I can remember about.. two months before the Thunderbolts took me in."

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2012-09-13 05:54 pm UTC (link)
"That's an issue that needs some concern, Jack. What's the first thing you remember?"

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2012-09-13 06:16 pm UTC (link)
Jack fully reclines, closing his eyes and trying to think. The migraine kicks in right away, but he tries to control his breathing and work through it.

"Don't remember seeing anything... but there was.. crunching under my feet... broken glass maybe. Smell something like peroxide and.. bread maybe?"

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2012-09-13 06:27 pm UTC (link)
"Bread and peroxide... you have a headache?"

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2012-09-13 06:33 pm UTC (link)
"It comes and goes. Usually when I start thinking too hard about..." How to put it... "...stuff that doesn't make sense to me, but seems to keep surprising the other people on the team."

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2012-09-13 06:49 pm UTC (link)
"Can you clarify? Why wouldn't stuff that doesn't make sense surprise people?"

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2012-09-13 07:02 pm UTC (link)
"It's... okay, everyone seems to get really surprised that I want to attract so much attention, but I don't understand why. And then I explain why it makes sense to me, and they point out flaws in the argument and then my head starts hurting when I try to see their point of view on it.

The headaches start when I try to figure out how I know stuff I know, too. Like... umm... languages, or stuff about social media.. y'know, cool stuff."

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2012-09-13 08:58 pm UTC (link)
"That sounds very annoying."

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2012-09-14 05:20 am UTC (link)
"It is. I don't want to get thrown off the team, so I just try to deal with it, but most of the time it just seems like everyone sees the world different than I do.

I mean... we're superheroes; don't they get that?"

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2012-09-14 08:28 pm UTC (link)
"Have they said they'd throw you off the team for having health problems?" Leonard raised an eyebrow.

"What makes you think they don't get it?"

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2012-09-14 11:42 pm UTC (link)
"I've never thought of it as a health problem... I don't seem to get those.

Well... they don't seem to want any recognition. What's the point of fighting evil if evil doesn't know you're fighting it? Along with everyone else. People need to see superheroes in action for it to mean anything."

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2012-09-15 12:51 am UTC (link)
"You don't consider severe retrograde amnesia and chronic migraines to be a health problem?"
He listens.
"What makes you say that?"

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2012-09-15 05:17 am UTC (link)
Jack blinks, trying to make sense of the question. "They just... happen. It's not like I'm getting sick."

Something else that simply doesn't happen to superheroes.

And again, another question that when he tries to find his explanation for his stance, a spike of pain across his grey matter. "It's just.. how it is. Isn't it?"

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2012-09-16 12:53 am UTC (link)
Leonard'll pour out a glass of water and simply say "Drink," then change the subject abruptly. "You work with Miss Dayspring's sister, right?"

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2012-09-16 10:12 am UTC (link)
Jack descends to the floor, seats himself normally, and drinks the water. "Yeah, Bea's really nice. Wait, is Bea the 'Miss' or the 'sister'?" He cocks his head.

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2012-09-18 05:44 pm UTC (link)
"I'm talking about Kelly."

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2012-09-18 05:47 pm UTC (link)
"Yes... yes I'm on the team with Kelly."

Until she gets bored and decides to blow him up or wear him as a blouse.

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2012-09-18 05:54 pm UTC (link)
"And while I won't discuss details about her, you're aware that her unusual tendencies are linked to things that were done to her before she met her sister?"

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2012-09-18 06:28 pm UTC (link)
Jack shrugs. "I've never talked to her about it. It didn't seem like my place to pry about. I kind of get what you're saying though... you think someone messed with me before my memories start." He frowns, looking depressed.

Everyone on the T-bolts seemed to have their own flavor of baggage.

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2012-09-18 08:05 pm UTC (link)
"It seems very likely. Let's go back to the glass and the smell of bread"

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2012-09-18 08:07 pm UTC (link)
Jack nods, finishes his water, and makes himself comfortable on the ceiling again.

"I was walking on the glass, I think.. I don't remember any blood.

The smell was from everywhere."

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2012-09-19 05:10 am UTC (link)
"Do you remember how you felt?"

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2012-09-19 07:59 pm UTC (link)
"I... didn't want to be in the dark. I wanted people to see me. I.. I felt like I needed to be doing something. Something good for people.

I had to get outside." Jack tries to steady his breathing.

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2012-09-20 05:37 pm UTC (link)
"Okay, and how's the pain right now?"

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2012-09-20 11:19 pm UTC (link)
"Not... not as bad as when I... rrgh... how to describe it..." Jack mutters to himself.

"It's like I'm coloring outside the lines, only thinking. That's when it hurts the worst. Trying to remember things.. that's just a normal hurt."

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2012-09-21 12:20 am UTC (link)
"What sort of things lead to color-outside-the-lines hurt?"

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2012-09-21 05:11 am UTC (link)
Jack rubs his forehead, trying to make the best sense of it that he can. "Like.. when the other Thunderbolts try to explain their point of view about hero stuff, or public relations. I can follow their logic train, but, I can't, um, internalize it?"

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2012-09-21 09:10 pm UTC (link)
"So... trying to empathize with different approaches to the job seems to trigger the problem?"

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2012-09-21 09:15 pm UTC (link)
"I guess... Just... everything made sense when I was working by myself, and yeah, I miss that. I don't want to leave the Thunderbolts just for that though. I want to be part of the team."

He winces, heavily this time, as if he's uttered some especially grievous taboo.

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2012-09-22 01:07 am UTC (link)
"I agree. Going back on your own isn't the best solution, but ignoring the problem isn't either."

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2012-09-22 01:11 am UTC (link)
Jack waits until his head clears, and nods. "So what do I do?" He pauses. "Are you going to put me on drugs?"

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2012-09-22 01:19 am UTC (link)
"At the moment, a full medication regimen won't be an option until we know more about what happened to you."

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2012-09-22 01:38 am UTC (link)
"I don't want to be a problem for the team. Isn't there a way to just fix me? What else do you need to know?"

Jack has a very linear few of psychiatry, and pharmaceuticals, for that matter.

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2012-09-24 08:30 pm UTC (link)
"There's a lot of aspects to the diagnostic process, Jack. We're going to start out with some cognitive testing and work from there. Treatment's going to take a long time to figure out."

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2012-09-24 08:36 pm UTC (link)
He sits up. "So.. what do you need to do to me? Is there some kind of testing?"

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