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bio_nerd ([info]bio_nerd) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
"Oh no no," she wags her finger. "We work well under stress because that's all we do. Difference is we don't know how to relax. Stress we thrive in."

"The ones that don't give me whiplash. Though I like that ride, what's it called? Oh well. You know where they strap you and one or two people into a harness, drop you from a ridiculous height then let you swing like a pendulum? It's like flying. Tons of fun though it usually costs extra." Lena took her drink and took a sip to hide a chuckle. "Tim is a sweetheart and a teddy bear, don't listen when he tries to deny that, but we're not like that. It's nice to have a friend who understands the lab rat part though I have to say he's much better than anyone I know at taking vacations. Seriously though, how is climbing an ice wall relaxing?"

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