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nextgen_misc ([info]nextgen_misc) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-09-24 17:16:00

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Entry tags:adrienne batroc, aleron maximoff, alice dugan, andrew summers, angelo bennet, antaeus, anya stark, argo, armadillo jr., asleif, awesome andrea, brad hill, buck rogers, charlotte lehnsherr, emmeline wagner, eric phillips, giovanna bennet, guardian, jack murdock, jenny woolverton, kael, kalypso, marlow, misha loganovich, nicolai sablinova, rachel summers, rikki cargill, sammy fury, sengai senyaka, shane ostrum, svalin, tim dugan, toni rhodes, valeria richards, vincent vernard, vlad rasputin

You Are Cordially Invited (Open to all)

You are cordially invited to attend

Terra Nova Charity Fundraiser

Twenty-Fourth of September Two Thousand Twelve

New York Botanical Gardens' Enid A. Haupt Conservatory

Seven pm until one am.

Formal dress required

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2012-09-29 08:21 pm UTC (link)
Angelo would, of course, never agree with her to her face.

"Don't be like that... at the very least, you can help me measure ingredients and clear counter-spaces when I'm working on multiple things." He smiles. He knew from personal experience how much it felt to feel like you were contributing.

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2012-09-29 10:18 pm UTC (link)
Sengai observes the pair discreetly. "Something either heartwarming or heartwrenching I'd guess."

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2012-09-29 10:28 pm UTC (link)
"Probably," Rikki agreed. She peered, using what she knew about G-Lo. "I think he's getting stressed."

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