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Vincent Amorason ([info]quitethecharmer) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2009-05-16 16:39:00

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Current mood: pleased
Entry tags:awesome andrea, kristoff vernard, npc - stature, team - fantastic four, vincent vernard

The Good Life
Vincent wandered his way into the common area on the 'kids' floor of the Baxter Building, sitting himself on the couch and kicking his feet up onto the coffee table. He glanced over at the on the entertainment center. Seven a.m., Sunday morning. Not the worst time to be getting back from a good Friday night, and a better Saturday, he mused to himself. He noted some lingering lipstick on his shirt; have to remember to point that out when he dropped it at the cleaner's.

He picked up a general use organizer from the table, tapping in his personal identification. "Voice messages left since last checked?"

"Twenty two," the digital voice replied.

"Organizational code Amorason-five. Discount messages from colleges seeking my enrollment, research facilities or weapons manufacturers offering jobs, aspiring 'mages', or young women I have made implications to call back but have not for reasons of my choosing."

"No new messages," the voice amended. Vincent turned his attention away from the organizer, reaching for the television remote and queuing up recorded news broadcasts for the past 48 hours. He turned his attention back to the organizer. "H.E.R.B.I.E., order half a dozen bacon egg and cheese bagel sandwiches from Schlotsky's Deli. Two with meunster, four with cheddar. Three on asiago parmesean, three on poppyseed. Large mint tea with honey and two sugars. For delivery." He smirked. "Charged to Mister Grimm's tab. Memo - Inquire about his poker tab to 'the Doomling' if charge disputed." He sent the message to the building's robotic gopher, then put down the remotes and stretched his arms over his head, settling his hands at the back of his neck. He noticed the phone number written on the inside of one of his forearms. He doubted he'd write it down before he showered.

The news started up with some fluff piece on Central Park using falcons for rat control, and Vincent smirked. This was indeed the good life.

(:tag any other Fantastic types, visitors, or anyone who wants to call really:)

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2009-05-21 04:42 am UTC (link)
Kristoff just Looks at Vincent for a moment, then back to Andrea.

"If there's anything seriously wrong with the subroutines for timing or speech, it will be fixed soon."

At Vincent's last remark, he merely sighs, still smiling. "Competing against you in general is rarely a course of action that interests me."

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2009-05-21 09:08 pm UTC (link)
"I hope nothing is seriously wrong with HERBIE," Andrea opined.

She considered the rest of the conversation. "I played poker with Mister Grimm and several of his friends once. I won. As I recall, he said..."

And here, her voice shifted to an exact copy of his, "'I ain't never playin' with no tinker toy again.'"

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2009-05-22 12:57 am UTC (link)
Vincent merely grinned and shrugged. "It would seem Mister Grimm merely isn't accustomed to matching skills with superior minds. A large percentage of the population, to be sure."

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2009-05-22 01:13 am UTC (link)
"I doubt that there's any significant irreparable problem," Kristoff assured her, then chuckles at the imitation. "I certainly hope his extensive epithet repertoire doesn't irritate you, Andrea." It had certainly always irritated Kristoff. Which is why he wasn't quite enough of a hypocrite to frown on his brother's comments about Grimm.

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2009-05-22 01:50 am UTC (link)
"I believe Mister Grimm possesses an abundance of what is known as "street smarts,'" Andrea said, diplomatically.

"It did not bother me, Kristoff. I do not even know what a tinker toy is."

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2009-05-22 06:35 pm UTC (link)
Vincent shrugged dismissively, grinning as HERBIE finally arrived with his sandwiches.

"Good work HERBIE, it looks like I won't have to take you apart and reassemble you after all." He grinned, perhaps menacingly, as he took the sandwiches and passed one to Andrea.

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2009-05-22 07:54 pm UTC (link)
Kristoff rolled his eyes slightly at Vincent's apparent attempt to intimidate HERBIE.

"'Street smarts' is a reasonable term for it, yes," Kristoff says delicately. "And tinkertoys, for the record, are toys used to construct various things." It's usually good to be informative. Except, perhaps, in the 'please excuse my brother's infatuation' department.

And then the television chose this moment to move on to Other Things. Although relatively low, the volume was still on. Until Kristoff heard the phrase "Tensions on the Symkarian-Latverian border," and his hand immediately darted to press the appropriate button. "Sound off, captions on."
And he stares, face suddenly blank, at the news.

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2009-05-22 08:51 pm UTC (link)
Any comment Andrea would have made (including telling off Vincent for threatening HERBIE) is stopped when Kristoff becomes focused on television. She had known that international relations with Latveria had been even more unstable than usual of late, but...

Her eyes glassed slightly as she activated some of her systems. "Scanning other broadcast channels."

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2009-05-22 11:26 pm UTC (link)
Some of the color fades from Vincent's face and his grip on the sandwich he was holding tightens. Then Kristoff hits the mute and he relaxes slightly. Sure enough, the iron-visaged face appears speaking before a crowd, gesturing furiously.

Vincent might just be edging a little closer to Andrea.

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2009-05-22 11:41 pm UTC (link)
"Please tell us if there's any information of greater relevance than what is onscreen," Kristoff says gratefully to Andrea, adding "Paraphrasing will be fine." Not that he expects her to use any precise vocal relaying, but it seldom hurts to express a preference.

Kristoff continues reading. It doesn't seem like the situation is going to blow up immediately, at least.

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2009-05-23 02:18 am UTC (link)
"Nothing yet," Andrea reported. "No details, just minor talk of troop movement and United States reaction."

She continued to scan frequencies and broadcasts. "The President has said he will be sending in troops, if things escalate any further."

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2009-05-23 02:41 am UTC (link)
Not picking up on any sympathy from Andrea Regaining his composure, Vincent sits up. "That... won't go well."

He looks to Kristoff, hoping he'll have some other input. "I was going to sleep for an hour or three, but did either of you have plans?"

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2009-05-23 02:57 am UTC (link)
"No, it won't"
Kristoff's going to look pained for a moment just thinking of the very idea of significant conflict hitting Latveria itself again, however briefly. But he tries to avoid saying things like 'oh god, I want to go home', so he doesn't say anything for a moment.

Finally, he clears his throat. "You should get some sleep. I am going to... talk to a few people. I would like to join you for lunch, though, if you are interested."

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2009-05-23 04:21 am UTC (link)
Getting Scotty out of bed had been like fighting Galactus. How excited he had been the night before at the prospect of staying with his grandfather was forgotten when 6:30 rolled around that morning.

Finally Cassie arrived at the Baxter Building and finally she'd tracked down Andrea, Vincent, and her boyfriend Kristoff.

"There you are."

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2009-05-23 04:28 am UTC (link)
"Do you believe we should intervene, Kristoff?" Andrea asked.

She nodded in Cassie's direction as she entered. "Good morning, Cassie."

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2009-05-23 04:44 am UTC (link)
Vincent was about to finish his sandwiches and excuse himself, when the chance for more entertainment another friendly face showed up.

"Good MORNING, Cassandra." Vincent grinned. "Breakfast?" He gestured to the sandwiches.

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2009-05-23 04:57 am UTC (link)
"If it comes to that, Andrea, something should be done. But in the meantime, there are a few conversations I need to have." A dozen years in the New York superheroic community --especially the Respectable End, as the FF was -- got you some connections to talk to people.

And he looked up immediately when Cassie came in and walked over close to her. "Hello. You saw Scotty off all right?"

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2009-05-23 05:01 am UTC (link)
"There may or may not have been some kicking and screaming involved. With him kicking and me screaming." Cassie smiled and took advantage of Kristoff's offer, grabbing a sandwich. She'd only had time for an energy drink that morning.

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2009-05-24 01:39 am UTC (link)
Andrea absently chewed on her sandwich, making a mental note to work on her taste receptors the next time she was due for an upgrade. Right now, it did not seem to have much flavor.

"You should bring him by more often. I always enjoy seeing him."

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2009-05-24 01:58 am UTC (link)
Vincent holds up a sandwich for Cassandra, grinning. "Did Scotty like the personal mobility apparatus I designed for him?"

Which was his way of asking how the repulsor-pack worked out, particularly in conjunction with the force-field harness he'd built into it in case of crashes. A favorite 'uncle' had to give his favorite nephew the very best toys after all. That's how he got to be the favorite.

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2009-05-24 02:12 am UTC (link)
Kristoff acknowledges to himself that all his advice on dealing with temper tantrums is mostly only useful if sorcery or electronics are involved.

He nods with a little agreement as Andrea speaks, then narrow his eyes a little when Vincent does.

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2009-05-24 02:40 am UTC (link)
"As much as I appreciate the sentiment I think you're forgetting that Scotty is six. He's a force of nature all on his own and doesn't need any encouragement." She really liked the furniture not broken.

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2009-05-24 03:23 am UTC (link)
"All of Vincent's toys for Scottie have been perfectly safe," Andrea pointed out. "I watched him build most of them."

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2009-05-24 03:38 am UTC (link)
Vincent sighs and scratches the back of his head. "The robotic turtle that transforms into a boat then? Did you let him keep that?"

He smiles warmly at Andrea's praise. "Thank you Andrea, for that vote of confidence."

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2009-05-24 03:53 am UTC (link)
"Yes, he likes that. And if you think all his toys are safe- you know, never mind. It's too early in the morning for that discussion."

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(no subject) - [info]discardedheir, 2009-05-24 04:26 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]staturity, 2009-05-24 04:35 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]awesome_andrea, 2009-05-24 05:49 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]discardedheir, 2009-05-24 06:58 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]quitethecharmer, 2009-05-24 06:20 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]staturity, 2009-05-25 01:20 am UTC

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