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Martin Baum ([info]magic_hands) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-10-06 22:56:00

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Entry tags:martin baum, npc - leonard samson

So you see, I have this doctor's note...

Martin stands outside the therapist's door and fiddles with his hat. He didn't know why Bea insisted he go to this. Okay, well he did know why. Probably something to do with that hat incident and losing control. But he was sane! He wasn't extra weird or anything. Why did he have to do this?
And what worried him most was that he didn't know what kind of files this guy would have on him. Technically in the government files he'd been legally dead for a few years, and he guessed Dr. Strange had pulled a few strings regarding his files so there shouldn't be anything on him except for this past almost year with the Thunderbolts...but still. It worried him a lot.
Taking a deep breath Martin peaks in the doorway and taps his hat against the door.
Maybe the doctor's note would work?

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2012-10-16 01:32 am UTC (link)
...Oh there was no good way to tell anyone that you didn't ever want to see them again. And that was before taking into account this was a therapist guy who could tell Bea whatever he wanted and get him kicked off the team.

"...Do I need to come back? I'm fine, really. I have a doctor's note if you need..."

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2012-11-30 01:09 am UTC (link)
"Stephen and I aren't really the same kind of doctor. I really think it'd be best if we did another session next month or so."

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2012-11-30 01:16 am UTC (link)
Martin squirms in his seat and looks like he wants to either disagree or run but manages to nod. "If you and Bea say I have to..." It didn't mean it had to be a regular thing he tells himself. No reason it should be...right?

He gets to his feet and fiddles with his hat a bit. "Okay umm..." What did one say here? "May I go now?"

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2012-11-30 01:21 pm UTC (link)
"You may. See you later."

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2012-11-30 01:25 pm UTC (link)
Martin politely puts on his hat then tips it to Samson before he immediately disappears in a whoosh of blue flame.

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