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nextgen_misc ([info]nextgen_misc) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-10-15 16:27:00

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Entry tags:anya stark, bea dayspring, crosshairs, guardian, team - thunderbolts

Seven confirmed 'civilian' sightings in the neighborhood in eight days, and there had been more than enough news footage of a young male matching the product's physical characteristics in the company of the dasypodidaen metahuman. This had to be where he was being kept. The brownstone was a Stark holding, which had brought an entirely new wave of clamor to the boardroom. A few of the more paranoid types were now convinced that the product's escape had been part of some corporate espionage, or prototype theft. Professor Graft didn't care. She just wanted her work back for analysis and possible sterilization if the programming couldn't be corrected.

So, over the course of a few days, there are a few surveillance agents that end up going by the unassuming Brownstone that houses one of the world's premier crime-fighting teams. They're good at their jobs, and all but the best would likely not notice them.

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2012-10-16 01:39 am UTC (link)
Four heartbeats, shorter apart than the woman would like them to be, but long enough, pass.

She picks the phone back up, but keeps her gaze on Bea and the other hand near her own sidearm. "Legal's not my department."

Slowly, she stands up, adjusting her jacket to maintain her weapon's concealment as necessary, and pocketing the phone.

"If you want the property out of your concern, and it's potential threat to you and your... cohabitants removed, there will be a number written on the back of the bench after you leave."

The woman is obviously not going to leave and turn her back to Bea.

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2012-10-16 01:41 am UTC (link)
"Clever." Bea's fine with turning her back. If the woman drew her gun, she'd know. She walks away.

She then buzzes for Jack.

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2012-10-16 01:55 am UTC (link)
The woman departs once she's sure it's safe to do so, leaving a number to an untraceable one-use phone as she stated.

Inside, Jack is all too happy to respond to Bea's call. He'd just finished making a bowl of chocolate pudding with homemade whipped cream as his latest attempt at a peace offering to Martin, and he needed a taste tester.

"Hi Bea. What's up?" He grins.

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2012-10-16 01:57 am UTC (link)
"Jack, we have a Situation. You are not to leave the house until Anya or I tell you the Situation has changed."

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2012-10-16 02:00 am UTC (link)
Jack is startled slightly, doubling back half a step and pointing at Bea with his wooden spoon. "You... you're really serious. You're doing that thing you do where I always imagine you talking with capital letters in weird places, aren't you?

And why can't I go outside? I still have lots of stuff I need to be able to get until Martin forgives me! And you keep making me go see Dr Samson."

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2012-10-16 02:05 am UTC (link)
"Yes, I'm very serious. We can reschedule Doc Samson. Also, stuff is not going to help Martin forgive you. You're staying in the house until further notice, Jack. That's an order."

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2012-10-16 02:08 am UTC (link)
"I'm not saying I won't do it, I just want to know why." Jack huffs.

"I don't take orders from you. I listen to your advice because you're my friend."

There's something about the emphasis he puts on 'you', that gives the impression that there's someone specific he was meant to take orders from at one point, although he'd be at a loss for ever saying who.

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2012-10-16 02:16 am UTC (link)
Beatrice Dayspring is a bout this close to calling up her father, explaining they have a developmental five-year-old in a teenage body who needs to be taken into protective custody, and letting him handle it from there.
This close.
"Well, you're going to listen to me now. There's dangerous people about that we can't directly act against until we know more, and you are /not/ to try to do reconaissance."

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2012-10-16 02:34 am UTC (link)
"Well if there's dangerous people then why don't we just punch them in the face, tie them up, and hand them over to the police?

We're superheroes. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who remembers that..." Now he seems to be going from confused into agitated. He still hasn't refused to cooperate, but he's clearly frustrated with the air of doom Bea is putting on.

He may not notice it, but his clothes are starting to tint-shift to an approximation of his 'uniform'.

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2012-10-16 02:37 am UTC (link)
"Hand them over to the police and say what, exactly, Jack? 'Here's some dangerous people. No, they hadn't done anything yet, and we can't prove they were going to, but here they are.' Or perhaps. 'Here's some dangerous people. We punched some of them in the face and others of them shot us for it. That's why Martin is bleeding now.' "

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2012-10-16 02:41 am UTC (link)
Jack's color scheme abruptly snaps back to normal as he looks like he's been hit with a bucket of ice water.

"Oh..." His eye twitches as his 'rebellious' thought processes start bringing on the start of another migraine. "I... I don't want anything to happen to anyone on the team."

But he should be doing something.

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2012-10-16 02:43 am UTC (link)
"Good. We're agreed. Have a glass of water and stay inside. Don't even answer the main phone, only from us."

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2012-10-16 03:07 am UTC (link)
Jack just lets out a large huff, and storms off to get a bowl so he can have some pudding.

And have a glass of water.

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