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weakerlink ([info]weakerlink) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-10-28 23:39:00

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Entry tags:clockwork, kayura yagyu, team - big hero 6

Yeah no this isn't good
It's late at night and she is supposed to be on her way home. She needed a good night's rest after all of the hard work she had been putting in. She should have made sure she had followed one of the most important rules when it comes to monster hunting.

When one hears a voice screaming for help make sure to be fully armed. Now she is trapped inside a home with no way out. There is at least two powerful spirits in the building and she can't call her armor. This is a bit worrying for her.

So she makes a call to the HQ hoping someone will pick up. She needs someone to help her walk through this if it is as bad as she suspects she may be sending someone into her office to look things up for her while she fights spirits with whatever is laying around this house.

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2012-10-29 03:27 pm UTC (link)
"Most unfortunate. We will have to see it is properly laid to rest once you are saved.

If you can find any salt, arrange it in a five-pointed shape inside a circle, and stand in the middle.

Is this all a training exercise, or should this one ask if anyone can come rescue you?"

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2012-10-29 03:35 pm UTC (link)
She finds enough salt to do that.

"Not training. I think the spirits were trying to lure a victim into this location... something is preventing me from calling my sword or armor to me. Would you please send someone here? I need assistance."

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2012-10-29 05:07 pm UTC (link)
"This one will see to your aid immediately! Remain inside the seal until we come to save you from untimely and hideously painful death."

It almost hangs up the phone, before stopping.

"Where are you, exactly?"

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2012-10-29 06:02 pm UTC (link)
She gives him the address.

"I couldn't get the front door open after I passed the threshold."

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2012-10-29 09:36 pm UTC (link)
"If necessary, this one or Grogg-kun will make a new door." Clockwork covers the receiver with one hand, before emitting a piercing cry that should draw the attention of any other BH6 members in the building.

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