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olympian_elf ([info]olympian_elf) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-02-15 16:01:00

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Entry tags:asleif, kael, svalin

The Other Side of Me
 Kael had been more quiet and insular than usual upon their return from Olympus. The day had been won though hard fought, but Kael was not in any mood to celebrate. Kael was in the training room fighting a copy of the being he fought on Olympus, the Flame. This version, while formidable, was not quite the equal of the real thing. The computer said something about "safety protocols" when he tried to give his opponent equivalent power. So Kael had to settle for what he could get. He spent a long time just going back and forth with his adversary, He was bruised and bleeding, but nothing too serious,

Kael remembered being there..the home of his father. He remembered seeing Zeus..and how the arrogant bastard dismissed them all after they saved his kingdom. So that was how Olympus was represented. This was the other side of his heritage!? Kael roared in rage, attacking his faux-enemy with absolute fury. he barely registered that his opponent's sword-arm was cleaved off. His swords were dropped as he knocked the enemy to the ground and proceeded to punch it continuously, screaming in the language of the Dark Elves.

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2013-02-20 01:21 am UTC (link)
Asleif bowed her head slightly. "Think not of it. It is..."

She hesitated only slightly. Words such as this did not come easily to her. "It is I who should apologize. I did not think on what effect Olympus might have on thee."

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2013-02-20 01:26 am UTC (link)
Kael takes her hand. "I do not blame you, and neither should you. Still, perhaps we both need to work on..communication."

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2013-02-21 12:28 am UTC (link)
Asleif gave his hand a slight squeeze. "Aye. Tis... not my strong suit, I admit."

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2013-02-21 12:43 am UTC (link)
A playful smirk. "Well you are the goddess of secrets and deception."

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2013-02-21 09:57 pm UTC (link)
"Tis true," she agreed. "But I shouldst have few from thee."

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2013-02-21 10:23 pm UTC (link)
"It means a lot to know you hold me in such regard, my lady," Kael said, touched.

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2013-02-22 12:37 am UTC (link)
"Thou art... my dear friend, Kael. And more than that. I wouldst be a poor lover and friend were I to keep too much of mineself from thee."

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2013-02-22 12:45 am UTC (link)
"I appreciate that." he says, moving forward to kiss her briefly before pulling back with a smile. I could stand to be more open myself. Perhaps one day we should do that game humans do. It involves telling facts about yourself to someone. The name escapes me," Kael said, his face crinkling up as he tried to remember.

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2013-02-22 01:47 am UTC (link)
Asleif gave this a moment's thought. "The description doth sound familiar, but the name escape me as well."

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2013-02-22 01:59 am UTC (link)
Kael shrugs it off. "The name doesn't matter so long as the sentiment is clear." Okay, that was a bit of a fib. He was going to have to find out the name or it would bug him.

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2013-02-23 01:33 am UTC (link)
"I wouldst like that though," Asleif agreed. "So few can claim to truly know me. Even mine sibling."

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2013-02-23 01:41 am UTC (link)
"I would be proud to be among them, if you would do me that honor,"Kael proclaimed. He smirks a little. "I suppose I can share some information with the goddess of secrets as well," he says fondly.

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2013-02-24 01:21 am UTC (link)
Asleif allowed herself a small smile. "Rest assured, they shalt remain secrets," she told him.

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