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Suntano Saldono ([info]call_me_sunny) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-03-17 19:06:00

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Entry tags:anya stark, sunny saldano

That was interesting...
The city repairs were nearly completed. The company building was next. The Thunderbolts' headquarters would be next. He didn't worry about their security. From what he'd seen, anybody trying to loot that building would only be asking for trouble and it just might keep some of the Thunderbolts from looking for trouble elsewhere.

In the meantime, Sunny kept himself in the loop and did what he did best - stay busy. His brain, however, mulled over what he'd learned about Anya Stark.

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2013-03-21 06:41 pm UTC (link)
"As long as you take a few days off and recharge," Anya said.

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2013-03-21 10:51 pm UTC (link)
"Yes, ma'am. I will be just as recharged as you will be when you get back from your Cancun vacation."

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2013-03-21 11:17 pm UTC (link)
"Good, because I know you work longer days than I do."

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2013-03-21 11:41 pm UTC (link)
"I've seen you when you surface from the lab," Sunny reminded her. And provided her with a couple more protein bars from his bottom desk stash. "I'm pretty sure your time in the lab is a lot more tiring than mine wrangling your schedule and company business."

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2013-03-22 11:06 am UTC (link)
"Yes, but I do manage to nap while I'm in the lab. I know you don't."

Anya shook her head. "Let's stop arguing over who works harder or longer and let's go for a bite to eat and some shopping. It'll be a mini-vacation before vacation."

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2013-03-23 09:48 pm UTC (link)
"I have a lot of work," he began before catching the determined look in her eye, "that I can track while shopping. Anywhere special? I know a place that does a good vegetarian burger."

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2013-03-23 09:50 pm UTC (link)
"No work and no vegetarian burgers. We're going to do some shopping and eat real burgers."

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2013-03-23 09:59 pm UTC (link)
"Boss, I'm a vegetarian. I have been since high school. I don't eat meat."

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2013-03-23 10:44 pm UTC (link)
"I know you are, but I'm not. And don't think I haven't noticed that you've been trying to slip me vegetarian food. I've noticed, but too busy to get anything else. Let's go some place that has something for both of us."

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2013-03-23 11:28 pm UTC (link)
"All right, we'll do it your way." He still slipped his PDA in his pocket, and his cell in another. He couldn't quite leave the office behind. There was just so much to do with the company in rented space.

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2013-03-24 10:05 pm UTC (link)
"Good," Anya said with a grin. "Let's go. I'm famished."

Even after eat the protein bar she just ate.

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2013-03-28 03:22 pm UTC (link)
How she could eat so much and stay relatively slim was a mystery, but he wasn't going to question it.

"So you want a burger, right? Should I even ask that question?"

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2013-03-28 03:40 pm UTC (link)
"Of course," she said. "Caffeine and burgers is what I live on."

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2013-03-28 03:50 pm UTC (link)
Sunny suppressed a shudder at the idea of living on caffeine and burgers. Between the stimulant and the fat content, he'd be cranky in no time.

"The closest place was a little too close. They got some fall out from the fight and they're taking care of some minor repairs. The next place," his PDA made an appearance. He'd mapped the surrounding area for useful businesses and restaurants to suit his boss' taste, "a few more blocks over. They have decent reviews."

And he could get a salad. Perfect.

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2013-03-29 01:34 pm UTC (link)
"Okay. Never hurts to try new places to eat," she said.

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2013-03-30 03:53 am UTC (link)
Sunny waited for her to precede him. "The latest reports from Damage Control look good. Maybe one day I'll find out why the head of the operation laughs when I mention who I'm calling for."

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2013-03-30 12:33 pm UTC (link)
Anya started out of the office. "At least they have a sense of humor," she said. "They should considering how much they've made off of superheroes in the past years."

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2013-03-31 05:35 pm UTC (link)
"Have they by any chance replaced one or two of your kitchens?"

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2013-03-31 05:41 pm UTC (link)
Anya laughed. "Yes, yes they did. I blew up the kitchen a few months ago. They had to replace it and most of the floor."

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2013-03-31 05:47 pm UTC (link)
"That would be why they're laughing. They're waiting for me to say the kitchen needs work."

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2013-03-31 05:56 pm UTC (link)
"Yeah," Anya sighed. "My lack of cooking skulls and abilities to explode kitchen appliances is legendary. I'm sure Toni has mentioned the cereal incident, right?"

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2013-03-31 06:01 pm UTC (link)
"There was a mention of it."

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2013-03-31 06:03 pm UTC (link)
"Toni will never let me live that down. It'll be on my tombstone. Here lies Anya Stark. She set cereal on fire." They headed for the elevator.

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2013-04-01 12:51 am UTC (link)
"If she can get away with that, you've been friends for a very long time. That's nice. Not everyone has a friend that close."

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2013-04-01 02:20 pm UTC (link)
"We've been friends since we've been in diapers," Anya said. "Our dads are best friends too and had been for a long time."

"Oh Opening Day is coming up. Could you get tickets to the Giants/Dodgers game in LA for Buck and have the plane available to him?"

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(no subject) - [info]call_me_sunny, 2013-04-08 12:56 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]anyastark, 2013-04-08 02:20 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]call_me_sunny, 2013-04-09 05:20 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]anyastark, 2013-04-10 01:24 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]call_me_sunny, 2013-04-12 06:30 am UTC

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