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yelena romanova ♠ black widow ([info]chernayavdova) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-03-25 22:33:00

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A Whole New World
Another day, another fight.

It seemed like all she had done since being awakened was fight. That didn't bother her all that much, it was what she had been created to do after all. But sometimes even the Black Widow got tired. Especially when AIM was up to their usual antics. She didn't even dare to guess what they might be up to this time. Normally, she would have been listening for Charlie's orders, but this time it was more of a family outing, father-daughter bonding. Her father was at her back, shooting enemies, as she took down others. It was soothing, in a way.

She didn't see the explosion coming, the blast knocking her to the ground. When she got up, her father was on the ground, unmoving, far too much blood for anything good. "батя..." she began, but then there was a bright flash and everything went black. When she came to, she knew something was wrong. Even though the place looked the same, she could tell it was different. Her father wasn't there. Neither was AIM or the machine they'd been working on. She wasn't sure what had happened, but she knew that it was very likely her father was dead and she wanted answers.

Answers meant finding her mother. She didn't quite trust SHIELD on this, not with her father dead and everything off in a way she couldn't quite place. There was a safehouse nearby, one her family used, and her mother was supposed to be there. She would have been with them, except that she'd been shot on an op and was on leave. Approaching the safehouse with caution, entering and looking around with her gun in hand. It never hurt to be cautious, even with family.

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2013-03-25 11:50 pm UTC (link)
Natasha had her weapons aimed, but stayed her hand when the girl called her mother.

"Yes, I would agree," she said. "Starting with the fact that I don't have another daughter besides the one I have living in Boston."

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2013-03-25 11:54 pm UTC (link)
Yelena stared at the woman, doing her best not to let her confusion show. Her mother did not have any other children. It was just her. She wasn't sure if this was some sort of shapeshifter, or if some remnant of the Red Room had reprogrammed her mother again. All she knew was that something was very wrong.

"Natalia Romanova only has one child to my knowledge," she said, choosing her words carefully. "I am Yelena Zolernovna Romanova." The name would make her parentage clear enough if this really was her mother. She kept her gun trained on the woman, her expression only betraying hints of her wariness. "If you are not my mother, then who are you?"

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2013-03-26 12:20 am UTC (link)
Natasha lowered her guns and put them away. She did choke a bit on the name. First and second. It brought up things she didn't want to think about.

She closed the door behind her and put her hands up where the girl could see them.

"I am Natalia Alainovna Romanova...." A pause. "Stark. I have three children. Their names are Mikhail, Anya and Edward and I'm married to Anthony Stark and have been for a few years now."

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2013-03-26 12:29 am UTC (link)
Yelena wanted nothing more than to lower her gun, but could not bring herself to do so. The idea of her mother marrying Stark wasn't something she could reconcile herself with. None of this made sense. Her mind went back to the machine that had exploded and she frowned. It was AIM. It could have been anything.

"My mother," she said softly, "is married to James Barnes. I am their only child and they did not know of my existence until a few years ago, thanks to the Red Room's machinations." She frowned. "Something is wrong. I do not know what, but something is very wrong."

She lowered her gun finally. "My father and I were taking down a group of AIM scientists," she said, "they were working on a device. It exploded and he..." She couldn't talk about the fact that her father was most likely dead. "It must have done something..."

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2013-03-26 09:31 am UTC (link)
"James Barnes was lost in World War II and found a few years ago in suspended animation. While we have some history, we are not married."

Natasha put her weapons in their holsters. "I think you may have ended up in a new dimension, or alternate universe." Natasha's voice was calm and steady. She didn't want to spook or startle the girl.

"Would you like a cup of tea?"

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2013-03-27 04:54 pm UTC (link)
"A few years ago?" Yelena asked with a frown. It seemed this world was very different, unless she was simply misunderstanding her mother. But she had no desire to continue talking about her father. It did nothing but dig at fresh wounds, keeping them raw and painful. It seemed better to focus on the current situation and how to fix it. If there was a way to fix it. She had to believe there was, because she refused to just accept this. Her team needed her. And she wasn't going to allow her mother to lose both her father and herself.

"That seems to be the most reasonable explanation," she agreed with a firm nod, holstering her own weapon. As if it were reasonable to find oneself in another universe. But they lived in a world of gods and monsters and this didn't even begin to touch on the strange possibilities they faced every day.

"Yes, please," she said softly, moving to take a seat. "I think that would be...nice."

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2013-03-27 08:50 pm UTC (link)
Natasha stepped further into the small apartment and made her way over to the kitchen area.

"Yes," she answered. "We found him in stasis. Fortunately, or unfortunately, it depends on how you look at it, we've had some experience with this kind of thing. I had another daughter pop out of another dimension."

Natasha filled a tea kettle and put it on the stove.

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2013-04-07 04:53 am UTC (link)
Yelena wasn't quite certain how to feel. On the one hand, the news that this had happened before made her feel slightly less uneasy. However, Natasha had not said that the situation had been rectified, and her mother would not have danced around the subject. That meant there was likely little chance of her returning to her home. Her expression didn't change as she thought about this, but the disappointment she felt was sharp and stinging.

She looked down at her hands, waiting while tea was made and remaining quiet. She wanted nothing more than to go home, but she supposed she would just have to make the best of the situation until she managed to get to her own home. "At least this is not too unusual for you then," she said. "I imagine you had a somewhat more difficult time believing the other daughter."

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2013-04-07 05:18 pm UTC (link)
"The Avengers have had experience with other dimensions so it wasn't too hard to accept," she said. "I'm sorry to say we haven't found a way for her to return home yet. But don't worry, we'll make you as comfortable as possible and give you anything you need."

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2013-04-19 05:43 pm UTC (link)
"What I need is my father," Yelena said bluntly looking away. "But that will not happen. He...he was killed, just before I arrived here." It was hard to even say the words, but she forced them out. Hiding from the truth would not change it. "In lieu of that...give me something to do. I have no wish to be idle. I am well-trained. You passed on your title to me and I did well by it. I can be useful here."

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2013-04-20 09:32 pm UTC (link)
"I'm sorry for your loss," Natasha said. It was for the loss of her father and the loss of her world and everyone she knew. Natasha pulled two mugs out of a cabinet. "There are options," she said as she pulled out her stash of emergency chocolate. "There's the Avengers. SHIELD. I could talk to Tony and see about a position in security at Stark."

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